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 Mar 2018 Sebastian Hale
Just Ty
 Mar 2018 Sebastian Hale
Just Ty
Don’t shut me out baby just let me in
And I promise that your world won’t come to an end
That fear you’re feeling is only going to be temporary
For a love like ours you know is literary
I see you differently than anyone has seen before
I see right into your soul where all your pain is stored
It’s time to do some cleaning and make some room for what is new
You don’t have to do a thing babygirl just sit back and enjoy the view
Of the blooming of this flower that we call our love
That type of love that will have your friends all jealous of.

-Just Ty
 Mar 2018 Sebastian Hale
the moment a poet
falls in love with you

is the moment
you live

f o r e v e r
 Mar 2018 Sebastian Hale
You’re a queen,
with a beautiful flower crown -
A queen who could not see my love,
and so she had it buried in the ground.
I wish you would see it,
but for as long it lies in my hands
It will sink through my fingers,
and be forgotten quickly in sand.
All of this because you do not see the wonders I see in you.
And it’s so difficult, love, to keep it from you,
because you’re a wonder, from your sparkling eyes to your curling toes. You’re the source of my dreams and my love lusting woes.
There is something so beautiful in you,
as if the wind just guides you to and through-
the gusts just pull us together, me and you.
I wish you could see it, we’re meant to be, but that’s your only fault: You cannot see.

You cannot see the way the angels have blessed you, but you do see how the bitter detest you.
You cannot see those who respect you,
but you listen to those who wish to neglect you.
You cannot see those who love and have confessed to, but you still long for those who have left you.
You cannot see me, who only wishes to protect you, but you are so blind that you must still guess who.
You could not see me and I became the one who was forced to forget you.

But the love will stay with me forever,
until the calendars reach the date: never.
It is a love I will take with me as I am buried into the ground,
the ground from which will sprout your beautiful flower crown.
I wish you could see it, we’re meant to be, but that’s your only fault: You cannot see.
Meet me off the beaten path,
Where lavender grows wild.

Race me through the overgrown grass,
Until we collide in exhaustion,
Our hands sweaty as we reach for each other.

Lay me down slowly under the bejeweled sky,
As you whisper our tomorrows into my ear,
Your breath is the wind,gently wrapping around my neck.

Hold me fiercely when you cannot hold yourself together,
I will be your glue, and your rock.

Even the mightiest oaks bend.
Let me tell you about the days that make Atlas feel free,
When the weight of your world makes your knees shake,
When laying on the ground feels like the only good thing you've done for yourself.

Let me tell you about the nights that make the Artic feel bright,
Where the sun doesn't rise soon enough to remind you there is always another day.

Let me tell you about the feeling of glass against your back as you lean out to feel the breeze of a cool summers night,
Reaching for anything that reminds you that  feeling empty isn't forever.
you honestly don’t even deserve the flicker of a thought, but here I am reminiscing of days we laughed nonstop.
 Mar 2018 Sebastian Hale
Fondness of looks
Panders lust

Lust dreams of love

Whereas, love;
Love is content.

— The End —