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 Feb 2018 Jonathan Poole
i told you i loved you
in a violet sea
under a setting sky

a magnificent orange
kissed your cheeks
before i could do it myself

we were intertwined
and the youthful night
lied before us

covered in our own colors
our love was even more handsome
and stirred between us

we were blind to the others
and halfway drowned in burnt sienna
when the sun had gone

we filled the empty night
painting the earth
with the color of our love
When the grim reaper came to town,
All dressed in black
Because he doesn't like brown
By the time he was ready to say
"Goodbye and so long until next time"
He left many wearing a frown
Legend says, millions upon millions
By day and by night
He slung over his shoulder
and carried away
He came collecting his dues
Those dues which many didn't want to pay
The time period was 1918
When he came drinking a fifth
and wielding a scythe
Carrying away millions upon millions
and their young babies, too
When the show was finally over
The grim reaper took a bow
and introduced himself as "The Flu!"
Where fly the hummingbirds,
Where fly the dove,

Where fly the Monarchs,
and where flies Love?
Ice sheets,
frozen forests.
Mysteries breath
from sunrise to sunset.

Desolate plains
in quite places,
nothing even a wintery
breeze displaces.
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