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 Jan 2023 Zoe Mae
by senses
inhaled darkness
emotional condenses
bursting at the seems
rain came a friend
clearing the air
Open your eyes
you will
find solace
 Nov 2022 Zoe Mae
A poet’s tears run down the internal wall
they all spill out in a puddle on the floor.

An ugly, unsightly mess
someone comes along to gently mop it away.

But a leak, however silent, is still a leak
it is a flood that can no longer be controlled.

A poet’s tears run down the internal wall
the wall cracks under pressure and we all drown in the words.
There was a time
when music meant
more than the
heartbeat in my chest

Through its veins
flowed notes of great inspiration

The heart raced to the rhythms , escalating elations

The spirit soared in explosions of glory and verbal fireworks awed

The vibrations tingled the
chill of skin

Who would have believed it could feel so great within

That was this , that was then
Getting through each day is hard
Problems poke at every turn
My will keeps getting smaller
No spare energy to burn
I'm not sure which direction to take
Trying to figure it out
I decide on one
Take one step forward
Then am halted in my tracks by doubt
To go somewhere far away from here
Is my most pressing desire
Get a few miles nearer to escape
Then retreat as soon as I tire
Out of my mind with hopeless greif
Making it difficult to navigate
Dragging my feet along this winding road
Distance closing between me and fate
What stool softener do you use?
Where's the cheapest Fixodent?
I was a ****** in my last life.
Old is a smell you never forget.
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