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549 · Apr 2018
Frozen fireflies
Ridhu Faran Apr 2018
Are these stars frozen fireflies
And the Moon one of the many apple pies?
They say times never rhyme
And planets do rime.

There's nothing real onto the horizon,
Just a dark room and fake voidness.
Maybe the butterflies reach there,
For some stellar nectar of meteor dust

A hole to a whole new place
Of mystic silence and surreal paintings.
Maybe its all inside one tiny jar
And its always a fading sight.

Forever its a dazed maze
For every soul that searches
For everlasting questions and
Forever fireflies stay frozen.
I was watching the stars in a bizarre black&white situation with no lights around except for a small fire red and orange and this!
538 · Apr 2018
Ridhu Faran Apr 2018
He was back from work
And I was excited than ever
I just hugged him and we kissed.

I couldn't tell him but
I loved him more than ever
We stood long with a hug.

He looked into my eyes
And he was beautiful than ever
He asked me "what was it?''.I smiled.

We were on bed with the lights off.
I took him over my chest
And I said ''Listen to it''.

He said he heard my heartbeat
And I asked, "Don't you hear double heartbeats?"
It was dark, I felt his tears on my chest.

The night stayed long
And we were happier than ever
We were now 'Three heartbeats!'
416 · Apr 2018
Ridhu Faran Apr 2018
Now what's with this rain and romance?
I could really hear all those drops,
One by one reminding me of all,
That I have all over me.
The dim lighted sky almost lit my long dark times.

You promised me a walk in the rain,
And I'm waiting here all alone.
I know for sure,
That those drops had already reminded you of me.

Think of me now,
And don't forget to touch those drops
Don't forget the promise you made!
There's something between this rain and love. Its always been inseparable. Especially the rainy nights!
359 · Apr 2018
Dear Mom & Dad,
Ridhu Faran Apr 2018
Dad its been years
Since you hugged Mom
Or maybe I missed seeing it.
Do you both remember
You used to laugh together?

You both used to share little smiles
And travel happily for miles
And now I see nothing in you,
Really nothing.

Mom, you just forgot,
What Dad brought on your birthdays.
Dad, you just forgot,
That Mom stayed awake despite her sickness for you.

I feared you both leaving me,
Beside all your ego and a better 'We'

You both had no time
And no patience for each other

I thought you loved each other,
I thought you loved 'me'...
At some point of time or constantly in life, we all would have felt a part of this.
302 · Feb 2022
time travel
Ridhu Faran Feb 2022
Some songs are like
'time machines'
You hear them and
it takes us back in time,
when times were good,
simple, and happy!
Time travels are possible
yet in a flash, they fade.
It is called a music memory!
273 · Oct 2019
Inseparable us !
Ridhu Faran Oct 2019
We came from the same place.
We belong to the same blood.
And yet we create vacuum between us
Where love can never breathe,
Where humanity will always remain void.
Why do we need fake crowns?
Losing all the togetherness
Losing all of us.
God could have kept us all in different places,
But he kept us together.
And it was meant to be.
Love and humanity was meant to be.
254 · Jan 2018
That one night
Ridhu Faran Jan 2018
If you could know what I feel
You'll know that's its just you
Who could feel my hurt and heal
Me, living forever in you !

You aren't you and so am I
I lost you on the edge of no where.
If I could run back hours four or five
I'll be, with your hands in mine.

Is this a ironic dream
Or a little break till dawn ?
I could feel my blood stream
Warming with each seconds gone.

This ain't me, ain't never me
I could feel everything of you
And there you are, without me
Clueless, holding me inside you.

Maybe I forget you at times
And the next second I remember you
You haven't left me alone in times
When I had really no one but you !
249 · Apr 2018
241 · Oct 2019
Found you !
Ridhu Faran Oct 2019
I never searched for the girl of my dreams.
Until I reached you,
And it's like I've got what I've been searching for thousands of years !!
232 · Apr 2018
Ridhu Faran Apr 2018
The words of hatred
Are to be burnt far up the horizon,
And the words of love
Are to be buried deep in the heart.
Forgetting what made you feel bad and never forgetting what made you feel good!
202 · Jun 2019
My World
Ridhu Faran Jun 2019
To me, the World is not just a word,
Its a WORD with a 'L' for her Love in it.
Playing with words !
198 · May 2021
Cosmic love
Ridhu Faran May 2021
This universe is magical
It always sends you signals
It sends you Cosmic messages
But we can't understand
But it's happening all the time
We can feel it somehow,
Something is happening around us
We may ask why?
But we won't get the answer.
Maybe later we may know
Or we might never know.
But the universe love us.
It cares for us.
It listens to us.
Love so pure.
The cosmic love.
Have you ever felt the universe constantly communicating with us ? Sending us signals to do or not to do things. Giving us warnings and cues. It always happens, if we closely watch we'll realise how it talks to us, loves us endlessly. Close your eyes and think and realise the cosmic love.
187 · May 2021
Chatter in the skull !
Ridhu Faran May 2021
As we tread past this cyclic days,
Filled with million of thoughts,
Unending chatters in our skull,
Creeping into haunting worries.

'Life is so simple to live' they said.
Yes ! Simple indeed to be 'unlived'.
Question of living at the moment,
Was unanswered all our mighty life.

Just a little hope of life that we carry,
Will save us till the 'end of the ends.'
179 · May 2021
Ridhu Faran May 2021
She kissed and hugged me so tight
For the first and last time that day
She never saw me again after that
The feeling of her hands around me
Tight enough to hear my heartbeat
Was the last thing I was left with.

I bought her favourite perfume
So that I can live with her Memories
I had it by my side all the time
Thinking of all our times one by one
As the fragrance helped me with that,
I didn't know it was killing me inside
Smells is closed related with our memories. The perfume, brings not just memories a deep pain of lost love.
161 · May 2021
Star inside the jar
Ridhu Faran May 2021
As I sat over the edge of the terrace,
The sky and stars looked so close,
It was like just a walk away for me,
I believed I could touch them,
And pull them a little closer to me,
And keep them outside my window.
I wish to have look at it all the time.
I wanna have coffee looking at it,
I want my room lit with them at night.
Maybe if a star falls inside my room,
I'm gonna hang it on the wall.
Is my room too small to bring them all inside?
Will it be like a black hole then?
Or maybe I could trap them all inside a jar
And have a spoon of it everyday.
Now I raise my hands to touch them,
I can feel them, cold and soft.
Let me a get a jar now !
160 · May 2021
Just a dream
Ridhu Faran May 2021
It was just a dream.
We were walking on the sidewalk.
Holding hands like kids to picnics.
It was dark, rains drizzling like in heaven.
Gentle breeze singing a love song.
Holding an umbrella we were walking,
Walking an endless path.
She told me secrets and we laughed.
Suddenly she started kicking me.

It was just a dream.
I woke up to a painful kick ever.
A cup of tea in one hand,
Laughing at how I got up awkwardly,
She woke me up, No! she kicked me.
Uh! It was just a dream !
159 · May 2021
Ridhu Faran May 2021
I was sitting outside.
It was cold like winter.
I was shivering like a wet dog,
Yet I wished to stay there.
My cheeks were cold like an untouched pillow in the night.
Stars were my blanket.
Love was my warmth.
Lost in thought and time,
I tried to cuddle my memories.
I wished to close my eyes,
Close my eyes till this world was done.
Winds whispering a melancholic song.
Like no birds in the night sky,
I was thinking with no feelings inside me.
Sitting on the terrace under the stars wrapped with a blanket, stargazing I was lost in thought !
150 · Apr 2020
Full moon
Ridhu Faran Apr 2020
It's a full moon in the sky.
I can feel a gentle breeze.
I feel like my mind is high,
In the clouds ready to freeze.

The skeptical feelings inside me
Up and down through my blood.
I search for escapades if any,
Out of all this confusing flood.

Silence can sometimes be a sad violence!
And yet sometimes it's nothing but a deep silence.
I ask myself, "Does this all make sense?"
Finding the answer, I end up in trance.
142 · May 2020
Ridhu Faran May 2020
The wind, the messenger of rain.
The trees, the wind chimes of nature.
The rain, the nectar of every life.
The birds, the stars of the day sky.
The soil, grains of ancestral remains.
The mountains, giant sleeping elephants.
138 · Jul 2020
Ridhu Faran Jul 2020
It was a deep sleep
I have no idea how long
That second when I open my eyes
The momentary confusion
If it's dusk or dawn kept me thinking.
But it doesn't matter
It's the same place where I wake up
At a random time
That voiceless me, thinking hard
Like a thinking machine.
I just wondered?
Why didn't I get up as a butterfly
From a cocoon?
Flying forgetting the old me.
133 · Apr 2020
Wheezer World
Ridhu Faran Apr 2020
Can I take it more ?
Will I reach a shore?
Sleepless nights three or four
Is it my tears or a down-pour?

The sunsets and the gentle breeze
Killing me in this subtle freeze
The stars and me, did they sieze?
World around me fighting the wheeze.

Can I take it more?
Will I reach a shore?
I ain't a tiger to roar
It's stripes that I wore.

Can I take it no more?
We are 'each' no more.
To me, the world right now !
123 · Dec 2020
Winter night
Ridhu Faran Dec 2020
It's a cold winter night.
I'm kind of in a frozen hell.
I'm sad we had a little fight,
That's not gonna last for a night.

I'm sad and I'm lonely,
The heart aches wholly.
I know it's our cute little fight,
Vanishing in the speed of light.

Blankets won't make me warm,
Rather your lips and your arm.
It's once in a blue moon fight,
But soon we always make things right.

If summer was next door,
Take me to the sunny sea shore.
I'm cold and almost white,
Warm me with a love bite.

If it weren't you, my snowflake
I would've been a frozen lake.
All the pain inside me for long,
Waiting for your spring song.
121 · Apr 2020
We are waiting
Ridhu Faran Apr 2020
The beautiful moon,
The moonlit cloudy sky,
The gentle breeze,
And Me.
We are waiting on my terrace,
For you.
118 · Apr 2020
Ridhu Faran Apr 2020
Under the bus stop roof
I sat with one leg over the other
Which made me comfortable to sit
Since It was cold around here
The sun light to ready pierce through the cloudy sky
Motorbikes, cars and buses
All of them rushing in this morning
With all the noisy horns and vehicles passing
My mind was super silent and lonely
Thinking of an answer for what I've been through
I wasn't waiting for any bus
Rather I was waiting for my mind to decide
What shall be done with all my confusions
All the lies that I've been telling the world
I know it's going to **** me.
A random bad day when I felt weird and confused !
118 · Apr 2020
It's raining
Ridhu Faran Apr 2020
This feeling is like seeing my love after a long time
It's like a lightning had struck my heart.
All of a sudden, loudness turns into cloud-ness.
The rays are replaced by greys in the sky.
The hush, the rush and the winds gush.
Yes! It's Raining !
114 · Apr 2020
Same boat
Ridhu Faran Apr 2020
Aren't we all on the same boat? Traveling together.
Sinking together.
There's a hole in the boat
That we could all fix
Yet we search for life jackets.
It could just be a single wave,
That can capsize us
Into the deepest salty sorrows.
Aren't we all on the same boat?
Our ironical trust rusting
Every minute waves hitting,
Our beautiful floating boat.
Do we see a shore?
Or a beach we could reach?
We still sink in this salty truth.
Aren't we all on the same boat ?

— The End —