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It is becoming increasingly scary, how much a pen knows me over people.
A smile is like an exit
Out of the room,
Where you don't really want to be.
 Feb 2020 Debbie Lydon
A distant lion begins to roar,
As a silver lining turns blue;
Gazing through stone windows,
Unable to find a door...

Whispers louder than screams,
Red blood turns blue;
Frightened by the fear,
The only beast is you..

A distant lion,
Continues to roar;
Befriended by only a heartbeat,
Naked, lying on the cold floor...

A distant lion,
You no longer hear roar;
Betrayed by your sanity,
As Reluctant tears,
fall to the floor...
The story behind this write is sometimes hard to relive even if only in memory...
Let their scent not
attract devastation;
Fallible stems and petals,
Ego of a garden
With a possession
yearned by eyes
rubbing hands at
their growths spectation.
Let their base clench
only the goodness within
the soil.
Their bodies know
the palm
when time's right.
Let the truth given
to them steer their blooming
like the voice repeatedly
reminding them what not
and what to do
A dedication to all the flowers who never lost their worth...all around the world'CHEERS'
Long time,
No me.
Too many secret rooms
Aren't good for your health.
 Feb 2020 Debbie Lydon
 Feb 2020 Debbie Lydon
what a lovely simple word
what a beautiful surrender
to let that wonder become
what was once you and me


what understated beauty
to be found in a single syllable
what a precious sound

singularity shifting

how lucky some people must be

to have a we
really ****** but here it is
I took a book,
And I was taken by the book
I took.
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