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  May 2018 Cam
An abandoned house
once a home
The dust stay to tell
the termites come to live
as the owners of the wood.
A picture hangs on a wall
A story written in his eyes
A smile drawn
Though, as I look
closer and closer,
deeper and deeper,
I see an imprefection
I reach and pull the seam
the fabric lets go,
revealing what was beging to be told.

A thought implanted in a passerby
A seed, growing
A tree, roots spreading deep
Pollinating a forest


Though, I ponder
another possibility.

My eyes sparkling against the moon

Walking past
My own house.
The story of a boy who does not know how to tell his own.
  Apr 2018 Cam
The Noose
Halation stretched
As the sun melted into bone
The sound of waves
Murmuring in the distance
Where like whispers
Falling on ears eager
For reassurance
Soothing, forgiving
Mending the very fabric of existence
Once shredded
Beyond repair

Mother nature had just
Birthed Spring
Along with the rudiments
Of designing a new
Cam Apr 2018
I realized
As I was begging him for forgiveness

I was begging
Me to forgive myself
How do I forgive myself?
Cam Apr 2018
Gut-feeling, soul-wrenching, heart-crushing I’m lost I don’t know what do do someone help me I can’t do this anymore not like this not without you tell me what to do why did you leave me I’m sorry please forgive me I tried to come back and now I’ll never know what could have happened what would have happened why didn’t you wait for me now your gone and all I have are broken memories why did you have to go why did you leave now I’m here with no one I’m dying inside and no one understood but you

I promised I would come back
I broke my promise
You died alone

Now I will too
I  don’t know what to do cause it’s my fault he died alone and he will never forgive me.
Cam Apr 2018
It’s too late
It’s too lat
It’s too la
It’s too l
It’s too
It’s to
It’s t
I’m s
I’m so
I’m so s
I’m so so
I’m so sor
I’m so sorr
I’m so sorry
  Apr 2018 Cam
Hopeless Outlet
I'm kind of stuck
At least... I think I am
Somewhere between telling everyone I know to *******
And "just please come hold me friend"

Some place in between an uneasy heart and hectic mind

"I'm depressed"
Can't I just say it without having to explain why?
Sometimes I don't even know which reason to choose

Short replies

"You seem like you don't want to talk"

You're right, but I also want to reach out
I want out
I want to let go of everything
And capture it all in my arms

like a fire fly in the palm of restless hands,
Just let me hold on to your light
Atleast, just for tonight

Because I'm feeling stuck.
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