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All work and low pay
makes Jack a....

The passage of time is lit by the lights of the night shift
which waits for the morning to come.

I could be
but *** me this government
doesn't make it easy.

...and so
I sleep because dreams are
cheap entertainment.
heavy eyes sink, into my hollow
skull. finger tips blued, nails
chipped and worn. it began
with a coldness, washing over
my vibrant being. how I miss
the body, I once was. It pried
melodies from my throat, and
composed a dirge where they
resided. then, it filled my lungs
with sludge, that way, when
I cried out, the tune would
further corrupt. I lay helpless,
worn, and tattered. I do nothing
but lay, and wait, for the familiar
embrace, of health.
A little girl, sitting by the ocean.
She's quietly listening to the tides.
Making her forget all the commotion.
The sound would take over, thoughts leave through sighs.

As she grew up she searched for that soft tune.
In every little thing that she could find.
Until stars aligned in the afternoon,
And the universe said we were divined.

Love, you remind me of the very thing,
That I adore than most all on the earth.
So it's you to whom I'll be listening.
It's your music that's making my days worth.

Now I stay basking in your soothing waves.
My ocean, promise you'll hold me always.
Silent echoes of my heart beating next to thine
sultry kisses in the dark, tasting fine as wine
Rhythm of our souls, waves upon the ocean
like the ebb and flow of constant emotions

Heart beat to heart beat, we move as one
like the moon circling round the sun
We are stars orbiting one another  
living and breathing, only for each other.
Will be leaving soon for Orlando,
Away from the cold in Ontario.
Will I return?
I really don't know.

A wacko may secretly board my plane;
A radicalized lunatic far from sane.

Or Canada geese, heading south,
Might take our fuelled jet engines out.

Some random lightning shot from the sky
Lights up our cockpit,
And the pilots die.

The landing gear is up and stuck...
“I don't think I drank enough!”

There's mad rage on the road
Orlando and St. Augustine.

There’s snub-nosed guns in too many bags,
And the pubs are teeming with cougars and *****.

The Matanzas flows with gators and sharks,
I'll make note of this as my kyak embarks.

A drunken driver could do the job;
Or I get hospitalized
From being robbed.

An Early Bird bone might make me choke,
Or an errant golf ball holes out in my throat.

Perhaps nothing happens, I’m too suspect
Of the possible perils from my Florida trek.

Is it worth the risks. I’ll let you know,
When I get back to the warmth  of Ontario.
St. Augustine is where we'll stay this year.
days till the end of the world
and my mind is a'racing
round and round my thoughts they swirl
I can't seem to cease my pacing

days now till everything ends
time is slowing down
I really thought she was my friend
never thought she'd let me drown

days and what do I do now?
the fear is taking over me
I'm stuck in a pit, I can't get out
there's no escape that I can see

days wow it's getting close
and I'm nowhere near ready!
I feel very much like a ghost
can't keep myself steady

days now, what do I do?
everything is going wrong
I don't know how to make it through
I don't think I'm that strong

days, in a panic now
I'd really like to breathe
it's far too soon to take my bows
will this agony never cease?

day, fog is kicking in
praise God for dissociation
This is not my body, my skin
I've ascended plain Creation!

days, and now it's time
my heart beats in my pounding head
watching my world collapse in a rhyme
I cannot tell if I am dead
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