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Sep 2015 · 1.7k
I Walk Alone
I walk alone along the street, faces blur, I just see feet
As I push my way out through the crowd, I’m not here, I’m falling down.

Breathing out, breathing in,
Dark and black through my head spin.

I walk alone full of despair, some people turn, some people stare
No-one can help me, some have tried, to ease the pain the tears inside.
The tightness grips my heart, the pain
Will never leave; my life’s in vain.

I walk alone my love has died, a cruel and twisted turn in life.
My lips are numb, my feet are lead
Please someone help me clear my head.
Despair and rage, I stumble down
Someone helps me off the on the ground.

I walk along this busy street, some heads turn, some others greet,
My mouth is dry I cannot speak, the dreadful words I must repeat

“He’s dead.  He died. My child has gone
War has taken my brave son.”

I walk alone, freedom is won, in this land where I belong
But others do not have the choice, freewill to act or sound their voice
We tried to help, protect, survive, but is their hope worth all our lives?
Sep 2015 · 4.9k
The Blackbird
The blackbird’s footprints seemed to trace
A footpath to the resting place;
Through the bright new layer of snow
They led the way, showed where to go.

They laid your baby in the ground
A tiny heart that made no sound;
I scattered earth and shed a tear
Scared and lonely, wracked with fear.

For two weeks before we’d tied your hair
With a band from mine as you lay aware;
Things would never be the same
A tiny being would have no name.

I never saw you cry that day
So I hid my sadness as I walked away;
I saw the blackbird that day too
Wise eyes watching, I think he knew.

The year is new, joy may it bring
As Winter changes into Spring;
And when dragonflies dart in the sun
I’ll  think about your little one.
Sep 2015 · 591
The Way That You See
When we were kids we used to climb trees,
Get grubby hands; scrape the skin off our knees.
We jumped in deep puddles and made big mud pies,
But what you said next made me shudder inside.

You sat in the sun; I sat in the shade,
With Mum’s homemade ice cream and pink lemonade.
We shared all our secrets, our comics and toys;
Had the same pin ups and kissed the same boys.

As we sat with our wine and thought of the past,
Of the fun that we’d had; a shadow was cast.
You said I was black and the dirt didn’t show,
I was speechless with shock, but you didn’t know.

As you sit in the sun, turning darker than me
I try to figure out the way that you see.
How do I tell you, will you understand?
An off-hand remark, burns inside like a brand.

— The End —