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Jan 2020 · 99
Marta Jan 2020
You looked at me with silver eyes.
They shined at me as brightly as before.
It didn't change the fact that you were still,
Talking to that girl.

Then, you smiled at me.
Heard my laugh,
Made me giggle.
It made your face red.

Yet still,
I saw you talk to that other girl.
With your eyes shining
Not as brightly as before.

Please tell me,
Do you love me,
or no?
This is a real life situation so please people help what to do.
Aug 2019 · 751
Marta Aug 2019
this shouldn't be hard.
I'm not here to judge but,

"-" if you see a poem,
DECORATED in this unusual way"_)"
it's just a fifteen yr old bored and
tired...of their life.


                                            if a poem is like this,
                                            then the person wanted to be

                                             not sincere.

If you see a poem like this,
Shining and rising
In different new world you've never heard of before
Then you're here.
You're where you should be.
Aug 2019 · 105
time to face reality
Marta Aug 2019
yes, I know
this might seem stupid.
but shouldn't we be
proud of people who read,
not skip through pages?

folding edges of novellas,
some wish for on their birthday.

look at the sky.
do you see darkness?
because what you should see is
history of millions and millions of
stars shining just for us,
for us.

look at the lamp.
why does it shine so dark?
do you want it to shine brightly,
like the sun you once missed?
Jun 2019 · 267
Marta Jun 2019
no ideas
in between the breaks.
no mirrors
on my wooden wall.
no happiness
in your smile
no love
that i know you give to mine.
Jun 2019 · 193
roses are red
Marta Jun 2019
violets are purple
i never knew i'd
be crying over you.
Marta Jun 2019
the moment you said hi to me
i got carried away by your chillness.
the moment you first held my hand
you got me thinking about our madness.
the moment you left me
you got me thinking about sadness.
and i never thought of anything else anymore...
I don't like writing about sadness and depression,all right? Well,at least all my poems about depression and suicidal thoughts are hidden,well buried in my library. So don't tell me I made a mistake. I don't know how thirteen year olds do this.
Jun 2019 · 153
Marta Jun 2019
I'd rather write my entire life and get little wages than live a rich and unenjoyable life
Jun 2019 · 140
What Do You Write?
Marta Jun 2019
Other people write about heartbreak,
About girls who attempted to die.
Other people write about pain,
About boys who are not alive.
Other people write about dragons,
Dragons that are actually evil,
Others ask me,
"What do you write?"
And I say,
"I write about fishing spinning!"
Jun 2019 · 107
Marta Jun 2019
I thought of it for a second,
I thought of it for a minute,
I thought of it for an hour,
I thought of it for a day,
I thought of it for a week,
I thought of it for a month,
I thought of it for a year,
No wait,
I'm not ready for feedback yet!
Jun 2019 · 111
Fake Friend
Marta Jun 2019
I told my friend,
I wanna be a writer.
She said she doesn't care,
She said I have no chances but
I'm more of a dreaming fighter.
Jun 2019 · 152
Marta Jun 2019
A character acts like a liberal,
I don't enjoy it so much.
I change the plot
By adding a lot
Of troubles
To the character of mine.
Jun 2019 · 166
Rotten Stories
Marta Jun 2019
I open my Microsoft Word,
Click on the last line and type.
But what do I type?
I don't know.
It's like a mystery of mine.

— The End —