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 Dec 2016 tonymac2113
Eric Martin
I got a fetish for fire
I yearn
To watch the world burn
Be careful not to get consumed by my desire

Worship with me at the spire
Of demons and hellfire
No need to discern
Soon you will learn
Hopefully before you transpire

My destiny is destruction
Let it come from within
Every sensual sin
Feel its seduction

It needs no introduction
Feel your hearts abduction
Let it begin
The blistering of your skin
Your souls eruption

Our fate is hate
The feelings hither
Become a killer
Let it intoxicate

As we assimilate
My heart is yours to infiltrate
But as you slither
I weaken and wither
You think you have won because you are in this state?
One day I will reincarnate
I am tired but if I find people like or read this poem I will make sure I edit it an fix it up but I assume every one is sleeping.
There is no peace at all for the wicked.

Stinging, ruthless words that pierce through mind and heart
Swiftly, precisely, from lips of clay depart
Arrowheads dipped in green poison find their way
To an unwary target, without delay.

There is no peace at all for the wicked.

The tongue is a sinister, crushing weapon
Who dares resurrect one fatally bludgeoned?
“He deserves my verdict!” Rage seethes in defense.
“He smashed my fortress with the least reverence.”

He is without excuse.

Yet the comely victim-prince says, “Follow me…”
He with the sad, compelling eyes
And nail-scarred hands offered gently, steadily
To a soul vanquished by frantic, chaotic “I”

He whose dazzling raiments from the throne hang
Willfully submits to slight, beating, abuse
As leather sandals cushion dusty, wounded feet
He weeps; Fallen creatures smite head and side–they bleed.

Still the comely victim-prince says, “Follow me…”
Now, therefore, beyond excuse,

Man is guilty.
 Apr 2016 tonymac2113
Can you feel it
The venom flowing in
Your blood
It's darker than
The darkest shade of nights,
You have seen.

Can you feel it
The guilt infiltrating your thoughts
Faster than
The snow dissipating
on a child's palm

Can you feel it,
A feeling of hopelessness
Taking over
Like a nausea
You could not fight

Can you feel yourself dying
A little more inside
And becoming the monster
Your mother always
Warned you about?
 Mar 2016 tonymac2113
no stone is colder
than a stone that's left unturned
afraid if we flip it over
we might just get burned

when there is no closure
the heart is only left to yearn
the pain never grows older
but becomes our main concern
 Mar 2016 tonymac2113
Josie West
I have made a home
for the sadness living inside me
I have fed it with my fears
it has grown strong on my doubts
in return it gave me nothing
instead taking all it could;
my smiles
my strength
my sanity
until I am left barren and empty
a shadow of myself
a crumbling shell of a house
that depression claims as home
I wish I could write about pretty things,
But I have to tell you what the darkness brings.
You have to know,
The monsters that live below.
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