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If love is matter then it must have three states, so do I believe,

If love is solid then it must be a fruit, how sweet the taste,
We love it,
We eat it,
We want it, we need it,
How delicate, how adorable, every season it comes in new types,
But if not consumed will certainly rot,

If love is a liquid, then it must be water, found everywhere,
We dig wells to find it,
We cook with it,
Bath with it,
How precious the liquid is,
But if left in open will evaporate,

If love is gas,
Then it must be oxygen,
We breathe it,
We can't see it but need it
We know it exist but, can't touch it...

If love is matter then it must have three states, so I do believe,
if everything has three states so love must be
I sit and wonder, what does she see?
This amazing little person who is a huge part of me.
She lived close to my soul, our hearts once beat in the same body.
She knows me like no other on this earth.
Sometimes I think she is the only one who truly knows my worth.
Can she see the worry in my eyes?
Can she feel my heart race when she tries something new?
Does she sense the fear when we are apart?
Can she feel the tears that fill my eyes when I think of how her life should have been?
Does she see me hiding my pain? Trying to be strong and brave.
Knowing that I will definitely do so many things wrong
Does she know deep in her heart that I would gladly give my life for hers?
For her happiness, I will sacrifice
For her growth I will fight
For her smile I will give her the world
From the first moment she lived
I have and will give her all that I can give.
 Oct 2017 Tianna Jacquez
honestly these little late night binges on music
are all i need to keep me going when everything
is spinning out of control and the only thing im
hanging on to is the sound of your voice and the
way you look out of the corner of eyes and all i can
think about is that you don't even know how obsessed
i can get with you and with everyone and with anything
thought id leave this childish behavior behind me but
here we are and here i am staring at your door wondering
how in the hell did i get here and crying because you
didnt deserve me and i didnt deserve you because
she had already stolen your heart a while back and
im just playing games with love now
im just playing games with your heart now
so tell me that this is ok that we keep on beating each other up
even when the blood pours thicker than when it began
tell me that this is ok because i dont know when
it's going to end so ill just binge the rest of my
night away listening to songs that remind me of you
 Oct 2017 Tianna Jacquez
There is a certain Beauty in Brokenness
And Purpose in Pain.
 Sep 2017 Tianna Jacquez
kiss my lips
tell me i'm pretty

grab my thighs
tell me you miss me

clutch my hips
tell me I'm your only one

look me straight in the eyes
tell me you need me

break my heart
and tell me you love me.
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