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 Aug 2017 Tianna Jacquez
She have this kind of inhibition that he might reject her feelings for him if ever she shows it so obviously,
Little did she know that He also have this kind of inhibition that she might reject his feelings for her thinking that maybe he is not worthy enough for her to accept.
the weeds have gathered, now
around the pretty flower
those who's dripping drool
gave her life
have left it to wither
in her aging sunlight
there's always something new
on the horizon
a prettier, nano second
of admiration to follow
and yet, on the surface, a blossom
of unmatched beauty
but at the root, the slow decay
beauty and strength
are a true illusion
that everyday, after birth
is our slow wither
onto our aging sunlight
 Aug 2017 Tianna Jacquez
 Aug 2017 Tianna Jacquez
Show a little kindness
Shine a little light
When you're used to the darkness
Anyone can seem like Mr. Right
Stranger things have happened
The splitting of an atom led to all the Eves and Adams
We just keep climbing up this ladder
What happens when we reach the top of it
Does it matter?
Still, stranger things have happened
I hung myself with string theory gripped in madness
And visited the vast void dripped in blackness
Crippled past tense reminds us of what was
And how inevitable it is that everything gets crushed and
Deboned with time
My skeleton remains hesitant at 11:59
Still even stranger things have happened
I woke up as a lab rat with a hazmat and a gasmask
Phantom of the operating theater with the seats packed
Breathing in sterile air trying to feel the breeze
Strap my self into a gurney
To perform out of body surgery
I said I'd never turn the other cheek but
Stranger things have happened
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