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257 · Jun 2020
The Internet Checkpoint
Themanwithaplan Jun 2020
Sometimes I'll write a poem
Just because I want to say something
But don't know if anyone will listen
If it isn't wrapped in intricate flowery language

Art the great communicator
The end result of our need for autonomy
and dependence on community
Coming to a head
A sort of proof of purpose
It's our way of insisting we're doing more
than just screaming into the void

Which is kind of arrogant in a cosmic sense
But I'm not cosmic
and the closest I ever got was a Lisa Frank jigsaw puzzle

There's a weird spot online
A video that plays an extended cut of a Nintendo song
The title in Japanese
That's not the weird part though
Viewers across the world have found it so strange
This random video suggested to them
That it must be a  sign
Each person a main character on their quest
The comments a tavern of stories of people sharing their journeys
They call it the Internet Checkpoint

Many would say this is just people assigning undeserved value to randomness
But I say people in general
and artists specifically
Don't imagine meaning
We define it

So I say be arrogant
Create and scream the meaning to life
Ride that neon rainbow
and say what you have to say
225 · May 2020
Psychic Real Estate
Themanwithaplan May 2020
I bought a book of Escher prints
So I could study infinites
and reflect subtle sentiments
Against these paper dolls.

To find the rhyme where reason ends.
To see where disbelief suspends.
Connect the dots and spot the trends.
The lines define us all.

Now here we are outside of space.
Where thoughts create our sense of place.
Realities we’d often chase
Are drifting out of view.

We’ll make each piece a perfect fit.
A world we’ll  build inside of it.
Filled with oceans, platforms, pits.
Existing somewhere new.

Memories, dreams, and starry nights.
Jarring spectacles of light.
Sirens donning masks of white.
In hopes you’ll do the same.

The journey we will start tomorrow.
Hope that there’s some paths to borrow.
Dance the laughter sing the sorrow.
Start another game.
185 · May 2020
I Know a Girl
Themanwithaplan May 2020
I know a girl who could see my dreams in the mirror
With eyes as surreal as the sunrise
And a smile that could clear the grey sky morning
I know a girl with porcelain skin
Meant for more than just christmas tree ornamentation
She's pure inspiration, unhinged and unheard of
a certain some thing that's got me second guessing stealing glances
feeling anxious every chance I get to sit and be enchanted.

I know a girl who's pretty like poetry and hot like city lights
The spitting image of picture perfect mixed with sunlight through stained glass.
Beautiful on a bad day
Like classical music through radio static.
And my quick witted well written verse
Couldn't come close to describing those curves
I know a girl that truth be told this poets heart's already sold too
The light house and shore line when I'm sure I'm lost at sea.
An ice pack and life jacket through Hell and high water

I know a girl who asked me what I had to say so here it is.
I never meant to spit a flow to which there's no contemporary
I just want to let you know your anything but ordinary
154 · May 2020
Toy Box
Themanwithaplan May 2020
There's a roaring applause from the porcelain dolls
The performance was flawless they say
Just a single retort, from an old rocking horse who said
"too back and forth for my taste"

But the tragedy stands that the raggedy Ann
it was written for didn't attend
Did this marionette fall to pieces? You bet.
But in ways that scotch tape cannot mend.

Now I'll start a new score marbles strewn on the floor
at my core a toy soldier I'd be
With an etch a sketch shake I'd create a blank slate
Make a solo that's soley for me.

Even toys know that life is no story book
and that some Lego bricks just won't latch
Now this puppet will only write choir songs
he promised her "no strings attached"
140 · May 2020
Ghost Town
Themanwithaplan May 2020
Sometimes I think we built Rome just so we could burn it down
Made a makeshift Mt Olympus just to find some common ground
Went to trial in Salem but we didn't hang around
Then took the train to nowhere back into that old ghost town.

Where the lover's always lonely in a house that's not his home
And the loner's got a lady but he'd rather be alone
The one's become malicious while the other one gets ******
But you see they both agree what's done is done and gone

That's where I met an angel with eyes that glow at night
In summer they'd be fireworks, in winter Christmas lights
No golden ring above her head or pair of wings in sight
The sunshine is her halo and she's higher up that flight

I guess that's when I settled in with men that played the blues
Dimensions crossed and I got lost in search of happy news
But all I find is how much time I've spent inside the shoes
Of someone I can hide behind afraid to pay my dues

This memory revisited, this page already turned
Has made me finally realize some history books don't burn
Yes retrospects a lesson and experience is earned
But if you don't move forward then the lessons less than learned

— The End —