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si May 2014
consummation and corruption,

my life in two.

a product of both,

and so are you.
si May 2014
You spit in my face and tear through my soul.

The intricacies and delicacies of life, pay my toll.

I cause hurt, have been hurt, but feel nothing withal.

The lifetimes we often choose to accept,

are the ones we often choose regret.

with no middle-ground I am left here to say,

disregard the past, create a new day.
si May 2014
i dreamt of the girl with golden hair

her eyes glow green grey, like rhinestones through her hair

short and thin, with a stutter in her talk

every now and again, a stutter in her walk

she's gone now

i'm crying
i'm writing
i'm smoking
i'm sighing

i dreamt of a girl with golden hair

just a dream of a girl, **who's no longer there

— The End —