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 Jan 2018 Tess B
Andrea Salas
I know one day there will be somebody to look at me differently than the way I look at myself. Someone who sees the real me. Someone who accepts me for who I am. Of course there will be boys who will tear your heart into two. But that's totally normal. Because how else will we learn to love through everything.
I'm not guilt-tripping you
I'm just telling you the truth of what I think
That it will be better for you
If I think I should leave.

I can't find love, I'm terrible at that
It brings me to places where the way out
Is narrow that I have to cut a piece of me
To get through, scathed but free (I think).

But when love finds me
I panic.
Some kind of beauty I just can't take in.
Some kind of gift I don't deserve to receive.

Love can give in all its capacity
But when I can't reach that level of reciprocity
I'm afraid I might hurt love
And love would leave, scathed but free.

It'd be better for love to leave soon
Before I give love reason
To hurt, to be numb,
To cut a piece of itself to get through.
 Dec 2017 Tess B
You know those talented Poets,
the ones that perform vanishing acts
Just like a ghost

Wonder why those poets
up and left HP?
Did they find a place better?
Did they find a place more

Perhaps they lost their muse,
their pen, their flow
Or perhaps they await for spring
when beautiful things begin
to grow

Well anyway, I just wish to say
I miss those talented poets
Whose every word turns into
glittering gold
Some very talented poets are missing
 Dec 2017 Tess B
Lior Gavra
It flies amongst the stars.
Flashes for a moment.
Despite the left scars.
Holds a place close, yet far.

It carries the fallen.
From mistaken paths.
To reaches impossible.
And develops new plans.

It creates new countries.
Raises dead soldiers.
Stamps unsung heroes.
With a feeling of free.

Hear its silent sound.
Open up your eyes.
Place it in your heart.
Elevate from the ground.

It helps us climb.
Better than rope.
Do you see its shape?
It is hope.
we are travelers in motion
playing banjo and hopping trains
headed from nowhere to nowhere
lusting for a higher purpose
away from this mediocre town
in this substandard state.

staring down the sun
like gunslingers,
name calling,
spitting in the
dusty streets
and pulling iron
ready to draw.

there are cracks
in the sidewalks
outside convenient stores,
that look like new routes
on the way to terminus

sifting through
the mountains
and the valleys,
across the rivers
and over the bridges,
down the scattered
highways where the
bums are dying in
the forsaken streets
of crumbling castles

the tractors causing
unnecessary traffic
in wide open spaces
of the rural areas,

midwestern farmers
plant rows upon rows
of corn and the one
firework shop stands
alone surrounded by
nothing for miles
all around it

the sky shows its reflection
in the buoyant lake like a
mirror looking back at its
own idea of itself,

horses gallop freely
at grazing ranches,

endless journey’s
through the cold nights
of the desert wastelands
and the stars shine through
like pinholes in the intergalactic cloth
that keep the hyenas away from laughing
and viciously attaching the reinvigorating
green muse that communicates without
the use of words and shows us the way....

under which tree shall we lay?

not even our
is an inviolate

but we not tulips
you could easily
pluck from the
moistened soil,
we are dandelions,
deep rooted in the
hard concrete

and we will
overcome and flourish
to find ebullience

like pieces that fell to Earth.
Always looking for a new place to live away from here...a search for reinvention.
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