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 Sep 2016 Taylor Pollard
We --- were --- together.
Fate wedged a sickle in between.
I lean on it still, neck exposed,
Ready to forfeit everything.
With uncertainty I am devout.
Because of our closeness
I am unable to retract from the blade,
So ready to inflict grievances.

I feel the intent of the hungering edge,
Wondering which of us holds the handle.
I am just another fool
With little to offer another, given
The greater half of my being
Belongs to you.
My heart, a possession on your shelf
Gathering dust.
 Sep 2016 Taylor Pollard
You are beautiful
as an endless garden path
you are the air under butterfly wings
your hair wiggles in the wind
like a ticklish child
the blue sky opens the oceans in your eyes
a smile that stretches far and wide
like rolling hills
and the chubby clouds
that gather and talk about the weather
You are joy!
 Sep 2016 Taylor Pollard
The buzzing of a street lamp,
Echoing through my silent block.
Sounds of crickets are heard,
But the silence is deafening.

Darkness surrounding 8th Street.
An uneasy feeling of being watched,
Creeping up against my neck,
As if it's licking me so tenderly.

The neighborhood of which my home resides,
So mysteriously nerve wrecking.
Petrified to take the garbage to the curb,
I look over both shoulders to make sure.

A creepy sound of laughter,
Floods the sound of nature.
Flabbergasted by my discovery,
That I am being stalked by an unknown being.

Whispers being whispered,
My heart begins to scream.
I loathe this feeling of dreadful fear.
I can't move.
I am paralyzed.

Whatever this thing is,
Human or supernatural.
I am almost positive this is arousing,
To the terrifying being that it is.

A predator hunting it's prey,
I now become the target.
Help me.
Oh god.
Help me.

Uncomfortable shivers contaminate my bloodstream.
Freezing in July,
It's 75 degrees.

Surrounded by the supernatural.
Unwanted manifestations of spirit,
Making me their little toy.
What in god's name is the end game?

Leaving my face frozen in terror.
Inspired by the creepiness my street is at night, even when I take the garbage out. I always feel like I'm being watched or hunted by some ****** or even worse.... Enjoy!
 Aug 2016 Taylor Pollard
Let me write you a letter
Of one that's full of love and appreciation
To tell you genuine sentiments and not of lies
Let my words clear your clouded mind

Lovely as you are
No need to change a thing
Your effort to smile even though you're breaking
Gratefulness I can only give

Carefully choosing your words
Staying strong for the strangers' confessions
You try to conceal your own emotions
And give sympathy for them to move on

My heart aches for the others
Ignorant of your own world
You stay silent not because of secrecy
But because you knew how far one can hold

I watch you from afar
Lucky enough to speak to you once in a while
As we know how it goes
I speak your language and you did mine

Little time together we spent
Subtly looking for someone to comprehend
Our simple joys of being heard
A little depth of insights we shared

Now we're on separate ways
I wish you only happiness
May you find people who appreciate you
And let them lighten your burdens.
 Aug 2016 Taylor Pollard
Observe and uncover the truth,
Behind the man in a defensive suit.

Take away your ignorance and find a clue,
Save him from yet another feud.

He is delicate but masked to stay protected,
Refrain the rumors that he is cold-hearted.

Stop him from hardening his armor,
And a change you'll find in another encounter.

— The End —