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 May 2016 mae
Liar, liar!
 May 2016 mae
I would be lying if I said
it didn't bother me that you were smiling
because of someone else's sunlight.

I would be lying if I said
that my heart never pulls apart
whenever I catch you in places I thought you wouldn't be.

And I would be lying if I said
I was over you choosing fear
over me.

See, the thing is, I thought I would never see you again.
I thought the second you walked out my door
would be the last time I'd see your eyes.

Yet, yesterday ironically, ours locked like two metal puzzle pieces
and the clashing of steel left ringing in my ears
and sparks flying out of my sanity.

I don't know what it is about you.
There's this sort of unexplainable heat
on the rims of your gaze that leaves a sort of branding.

And every single time your aura enters the room, I feel like the walls
are closing in on my mind, bring me down dark narrow paths
whose light you blew out whilst dousing the flames of my heart.

And maybe it's the thought of you
becoming everything I would've wanted you to be
that leaves me biting my tongue full of envy.

Because I would be lying if I told you
I was proud that all it took was the elimination of me
to make you happy.

{a year ago was so different}
 May 2016 mae
 May 2016 mae
she may hurt, but she is not pain.
she may fail, but she is not a failure.
she may be tragic, but she is not tragedy.

*she may feel worthless,
but this, too, will pass.
so it's always worth reminding people (i.e. myself) that just because you feel something in the moment doesn't mean that it's permanent. an emotion is an instant, no matter how long the ache lasts, and an instant cannot define you.

(thanks for the daily!)
 May 2016 mae
You can be pretty blind towards
My feelings
You say that tears are a sign of weakness, dose that make me weak?or just human
I once felt special
You were like magic  
In my mind
But as the months go by,
you've let it all die
I've woke up to ashes and dust
By my side
out of touch
Of this world
feeling dead on inside
Who are you?
I just wanna know your soul
I just want to be your home
I just wanna have you be rooting for me ****, it's a cruel world
Can't always get what you want
So I patiently stand by your side thinking some time soon you'll love me too  .
~Myriah P.Y.~
 May 2016 mae
 May 2016 mae
You hurt me,
Betrayed me to the deepest core,
Took my biggest fear and used it against me.

I forgive you,
Will you forgive me?
I am sorry,
But are you?

Can we make this right?
Can we ever let go?
Of the things of the past,
Or things that have yet to come?

Live in the moment,
A completely fresh,
And totally new start,
A clean slate for both.

I'm scared of love,
I'm scared of you,
But at the same time
I'm not...

All I can think about is,
and haven't stopped,
thinking about is...

Whether you're ok,
If you're happy,
If you're writing,
Or smiling.

I'm scared of love,
But not scared of loving you,
I'm scared of you,
But that's because it's new.

I've never stopped caring about you,
I've never doubted you,
I've never seen you as anything less,
Than... Amazing.

Though you "don't" know it,
You're smart,
Talented writer,

You're gentle kiss is the best,
Your hugs are the world's saftest place,
You're so funny,
And determined...

I just wish you could see yourself,
Like I do,
Even after everything...
I don't think you're a bad person....

I never did,
I think you're hurt,
And want someone to love,
And want something to finally go good..
You're troubled,
But you've had a hard life,
You love,
Though haven't gotten much...

Whether you decided to come back,
Or to let me back into you're life,
Even after EVERYTHING,
I'm always here to show you...

Who you truly are,
And not the broken,
Screwd up,
Nothing you think you are...

You're here for a reason,
You're amazing,
Not a mistake,
And definitely not for nothing...

With much love,
That has never stopped...
IcySky xoxo
 May 2016 mae
Michael Blonski
our lives
we try to
win over the

hardest person
of all
love is
 Jul 2015 mae
 Jul 2015 mae
The best way to not get your heart broken is to pretend you don't have one.
One said.

But every time you show up,
you remind me that
Some people are worth having a heart for.
This is so ****** up.
 Jul 2015 mae
It's funny because as poetic as I am
And how much time I spent thinking of him in the wee hours of the night
I could still only think of one word to describe him
And that word
 Jul 2015 mae
 Jul 2015 mae
People who fight
their battles alone
either lose the battle
or lose themselves.
 Jul 2015 mae
LB Parker
 Jul 2015 mae
LB Parker
I have become very uninterested
in a life without you.
With love, kelsey
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