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Emmett Brown Oct 2016
On the bottom of the shoe
Overlooking all the poo

A weird figure shows on up
All this poo is from my pup

I look over to him
He looks back at me

This dog is crazy coming from me
His eyes are red with evil stares

Reminds of the scary scares
I walk away from the dog

He chases after me in the fog
I trip on a log

I'm dead

The End
Idiosyncrasy Jul 2015
Cars and vans,
Planes and ships,
They'd take you
Anywhere you want,
And then you'll leave
Or they will,
You'll realize
You don't mind
The amazing views,
All you want
Is their comfort,
The bumps, the plains,
The moving scene, the joy,
The journey.

— The End —