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Guido Orifice Dec 2016
Yo naci un dia que Dios estuvo enfermo.
-Cesar Vallejo

How to write like Vallejo
& breathe his poetry?
Write as if I am seeing
the true Peruvian sky
that inspired his solitude
& thousand times longing.

Tell me, how to weave words
like how he penned
the silk cobweb
missing its spider-child.

Sadly, the spider died
tragic lost, it was.

The cobweb fell
only to find the dusty ground
but only a poet,
true to his words,
could redeem its memories.

How to write like Vallejo
& let in my fingers flow
the solitary spirit
of the aesthetic?
Words after words
sigh after sigh
& let the womb
of the poet’s love
give birth to verse
after verse.

If only that womb
can bring the spider back.
If only that womb
can see poet’s tears
for that spider
that once he
drunk those words with
as he stares blank
with his eyes dead as an oak
to the wall
of his poetic friend.
The Dedpoet Jan 2016
I will die enormously in San Antonio,
On a day when my poem trends
For the last time, on a day I can
Already recollect.
I will die in San Antonio
- and I won't fake this one-
Perhaps on a Saturday,
As today is Saturday in Midwinter's
    It will be a Saturday,
Because today I have written this
Poem, these prophetic lines,
I have been inter-dimensional
For too long, perhaps this fleece
Of flesh was meant to die here
In this verse.

    Ernest Gonzales is dead.
He beat himself up like a depressed
Boxer with an emptied punching bag,
Though he rarely fought back,
Life beat him like an ugly dog.

These are the words,
My witnesses, on a Saturday
Reading these lines, the pain
In my chest, the rain, the sorrow,
The lonely roads.....
The Dedpoet Jan 2016
I do not feel alive so much as when
I am Dedpoet. I do not suffer as my
Alter ego, but I do suffer as a simple
Living being. I do not feel alive as a
Christian, or even a Muslim, or at times
When I am a Pagan. If my name were
Edgar Allan Poe, I would still feel
The sufferings, but not so much alive.
Today I suffer from something deeper,
And being alive is part of the dilemma.

This suffering comes and has no explanation,
It is a sorrow so deep that I feel it was
With me alone in the womb. Where is the
Excitement of life? Where is the fulfilled
Feeling of completed goals? Is it because
I have nothing, so nothing comes
Full circle and becomes a reason?
My depression comes from everywhere,
Like four winds of sorrow spinning
A compass. If I was shot down and taken
From this place, my suffering would
Still be the same, if I came back
Reincarnated I would feel this abyss
Even only in a different body.

I look at the pain of a dying man,
He says goodbye and rights what he can
To those he wronged, But I can find
No redemptive cure for this emptied
Hole inside myself, I am simply in depression.

I always believed a higher power would
Give me a miracle cure for this suffering,
But one's belief is merely the precursor
To death and another life when the suffering
Would end in the divine promise, which is
To say we must be here to suffer and believe
The next life will he a better one. I look at the stars
And wonder about light and dark,
But I have no epiphany, today I am depressed,
Simply and utterly, no matter what happens,
Today is what I feel.

— The End —