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Jay M Mar 2019
All of those people,
The ones I call "friends",
Do they call me the same?
Or is it a lie?
All a charade,
Whilst secretly,
Behind my back,
They despise me,
Curse my very name,
Hoping I wish to leave them,
Maybe to perish alone,
Alas, all is left unknown.

- Jay M
October 24th, 2018
Mazen Edlibi Nov 2016
I want to breath the "Missing" of you out of me!
I want to see the shape of that outside my body!
I want to feel its texture...
I want to talk to it...
                   I am wondering!
Would I manage to do so!
Would I hear its voice to break that silence of words!
                   Am I sane!
Am I living for loving, loving for living!
I know one thing!
I am the Love that is still Undiscovered/unknown!

— The End —