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Thomas Bodoh Oct 2018
Suddenly You define me;
The epitome of life,
You ask me:

What are your criteria
For quality?
For comfort?
For life?

You scrape a bit of me
off onto You every day

Test the purity of a
golden heart against the
black stone of suffering
I bleed in streaks of silver

You are my touchstone now.
Melody Dec 2017
Thou hast the ability

to seek the flickering light,

of hope in the dark

Thou hast the power

to gather thy shattered pieces

again and again.

O thou real artist!

Thou paint the colors

in thy life.

What thou do is not so easy

when thou choose what thou like

rather than being bound by hallow promises and fakeĀ  love

Thou finally free.

O thou real beauty!

What thou do is not so easy.

Gathering thy broken pieces

holding hand of those who once betrayed.

masking pain with thy most beautiful smile.

O thou touchstone!

What thou do is an art.

An art to be practiced.

Art of choosing.

The hard way to right destination.

O thou real artist!

What thou do is not so easy

To be true to yourself

to be honest that make thou so lovely.

O thou beauty!

thy sedate tone...

After all the hardships of life.

proves thou a king.

O thou real artist!

thou paint the colors

in thy life.

O thou king!

thou got no jewels in thy treasure

but when thou unlock thy word-hoard

In whole world's treasures,

there left naught.

O thou king!

O thou beauty!

After losin' everything.

Thou win, thou win, thou win.

O thou touchstone!
~Sweara Ahmed~

— The End —