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forestfaith Jun 2018
Is it as deep as the deepest point of the oceans?
Is it a wide as the sky could be?
Would it last longer than life?
Would it be longer than time?
Would it be stronger than anything in this world? In the whole Galaxy?
Would it be mine to keep?
Would it be theirs to keep?
Ours to keep?
It will be.
Yes it is.
All of it and more.
This love.
Slowly digging me out of this shell, to reach my heart.
Penetrating through fear, doubt, and sin.
You brought this broken life in.
I would never forget the love you have shown me at the lowest point of my life.
Forget about your love.
And the life you have given me.
For the life you gave.
On that cross
Thank you God.
Ailsa Apr 2018
You were the type of person who loved dancing in the rain.
Laughter and the smell of daisies followed you everywhere
I don't think you owned a sweater that wasn't oversized
You would leave pressed flowers in all of my books, and I still find them today
I never would have imagined how terrible life without you is
If only life came back to people who deserved it, people like you.
No one except for me knew that behind the daisies and the oversized sweaters, you were hurting
You wore the sweaters to hide yourself
You were ashamed
You never wanted anyone else to hurt, so you spent your time fixing others instead of yourself
I tried to help you but I failed
And I hate myself for letting you hurt
I know I musn't dwell on the past, but it's hard when that's the only thing keeping you alive is my mind

— The End —