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Zywa Jun 14
There is evidence

of what I had and did: signs --

of my existence.
Poem "Tussen wolken en aarde de tekens" ("Between clouds and earth the signs", 1997, Willem van Toorn)

Collection "Being my own museum"
Zywa May 31
Everyone sits still,

yet there are shadows walking --

around on the walls.
Light scenography by Zalán Szakács at the concert of Maria W. Horn and Mats Erlandsson in the Organpark on May 29th, 2024 (a form of sound and light show - "Son et lumière")

Collection "org anp ARK" #11
Zywa Nov 2023
Stories that end well...

well, there really aren't any --

There are no endings.
Novel "Lighthousekeeping" (2004, Jeanette Winterson), chapter Known point in the darkness

Collection "Stream"
Zywa Mar 2023
Dozing, I vibrate

along with the world outside --

A leaf in the wind.
Collection "Between where"
Zywa Mar 2023
The road makes a loop,

men with bikes are peering how --

everything comes back.
"Het huis bij de sluis" - II ("The house at the sluice" - II, 2002, Hester Knibbe)

Collection "Stream"
Zywa Feb 2023
The fall draws me the view drew me
..........along many landscapes
...............and what I experienced
....................and learned along the way
.........................opened up many avenues
to new plans places, and people opportunities with insights
.........................and new acceptance
I remember everything
.....even more intense than it was
..........brighter than in the full sun
...............purer is my love
....................purer are my choices
.........................purer my desires
in the final fall
..........with less pleasure
....................and less expectation

and what I did not achieve
.....did not get and
..........could not prevent
...............dissolves in the sea
....................of eternity
.........................fall after fall
Poem "The Descent" in: "Paterson", Book Two, Section 3 (1948, William Carlos Williams)

Collection "Reaching out"
Zywa Feb 2023
Outside is the earth, the life
of lungs, hearts and legs
Outside we experience the wonder
of everything around us
Outside we live the wonder
of who we are

Within is heaven, the creative soul
of our life together
Within we unfold
and we give the best
Within we are open
to what the world offers

Open, I let
the outside in and
the inside out
like a stream
Open, I am
I receive and I care
"Genesis" ("Bereshit")

"Morgenspruch für die Klassen 5-12" ("Morning verse for grades 5-12", September 7th, 1919, Rudolf Steiner)

Collection "From Sacred Scriptures [1]"
Zywa Feb 2023
There's a thin sea drifting
above the sea, I float
everywhere, infinitely
between ancestors
and unborn

The sea kisses and plays
pulls me under water
up in high foams
which splash apart into
my new rainbow wisps

over the sea, from the sea
the bearing sea
engulfing sea
evaporating sea

making depths out
of valleys, creative
darkness, the sea
the full empty sea
Composition "From and To Infinity", for voice and 70 bamboo flutes (2019, BOI AKIH: Niels Brouwer; lyrics Monica Akihary), intro

The version for voice, guitar, kora, percussion, recorder and ***** (2023) was performed in the Organpark on January 29th, 2023, by Monica Akihary (voice, kalimba), Niels Brouwer (guitars), Sekou Dioubate (kora, slit drum), Dodó Kis (recorders), and Nora Mulder (*****)

Collection "org anp ark" #270
Zywa Jan 2023
We danced to a new year
in the utopia of the music
and the Golden Oldie
songs of love, longing
and sorrow that live
in our lungs

and emerge unpredictably
all of a sudden from the depths
of our breath
caressing or storming full
of experiences that make us
feel who we are

and what it's all about, seize
the eternity of our lives
in the stream of our breath
which is also the breath of others
while we are completely
engrossed in our presence
Utopia: the word whose meaning lies midway between "not-existent place/society" and "good place / happy society"

Carpe diem = Seize the day (Horace, 23 BC)

Carpe aeternitatem in momento = Seize eternity in the moment (Ernst Bloch, 1954-1959, in: "Das Prinzip Hoffnung" / "The principle of hope")

Collection "The drama"
Zywa Jan 2023
The hour has struck
Immediately we forget the time
and wish each other all the best
and boredom

that blessed can do everything
with the peaceful ticking
of grandma's clock without the hands
of an agenda that calls Action!

New Year, the realization
that time in ourselves never passes
In one body we are years
of experiences that are not closed

but do themselves well
on new discoveries and occasionally
set us thinking
about how it all comes together
For Maria Godschalk

Collection "Being"
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