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PoetryHeals Apr 2018
The way her wavey locks flow like there's no matter in the world.
The color of her nails that are darker than the depths of the Abyss.
The memories we share, ones that will always make me smile wider than the Persian Gulf.
Her morals and ways could inspire Satan himself to be better.
You see, finding a pretty face is easy.
But finding an impeccable soul as such is where the hard part lays. A soul, by no means, perfect but yet flawless in a world filled with hatred and demise. In it's own struggle finding ways to not only survive, but thrive. Blossom in ways unknown to man thus far.
... I know what you're thinking:
"How can such a person exist?"
I would tell you: "she doesn't"...
No one is as perfect as a poem.
Two words: Dark Side.
Now is the part where I lose your attention because she is no longer THAT. What you haven't yet thought of is the way she handles and drives that darkness... inside there lays a scintilla of madness and humor you are yet to discover; but oh when you do...
It's a whole new world.
Crimsyy Feb 2017

I cannot ignore

how loudly love knocks

whilst you and I exchange

meaningful eye locks.

You are my Lucida,

my brightest star,

though I never intended

for you

to take so much space

in my heart;

I cannot tell where

your fervency ends

and my love starts.

You are an iota of heartache,

mixed with a hint of nicotine

and sprinkled with flaws,

reminding me broken beings

should be healed with love

not bandaids or empty promises

(though they're the same).

My darling, sublimity scintillates 

in your eyes and

I cannot explain in a rhyme

the many ways you make me feel sublime.

A/N: Hey guys! An update after a long time!! I know this is not the order that the poems go, but I felt inspired to write about *this person and so I thought why not? If you'd like to, comment some feedback, thoughts, and / or questions  (:

— The End —