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Poetlefemme Sep 2016
Feel the blood rushing into and out of your body
While you cling on to a reality that has become obselete
To a place where only harm can come to those you love and yourself.
Like you are being skull-****** to death by your best friend.

What would that do to someone like you?
Would you imagine it to bring pleasure of some kind?  
Like a rat trapped in a cage, barely nibbling pieces of cheese in the corner.
While eyes bulging, awaiting the next attack.

Struck by lightening of another kind altogether
The kind that leaves scars and are misinterpreted as happiness
Just more side-tracking and never completely changing
Into who I want to be.
Who I really am.
Sometimes I'm so lonely and other times so suffocated.
Poetlefemme Aug 2016
I asked a bird
Who was flying by
If he ever worried about time gone by?
He laughed and smiled with no reply.

I saw a pig wallowing in complete despair.
I say, old fellow, "what are you doing there?"
He snorted and spit, sat in his own **** without a care.
Yet he seemed content and gazed into his muddy lair.

As I trod onto the the beaten path, i suddenly began to laugh.
And out popped a rattler slithering to and fro.
Not even a daring thought of discussing life with him, my future at that point seemed awfully grim.
My chances of survival were getting slim.
Ill think again before going on another adventure on a dangerous  whim.
Something different
Poetlefemme Aug 2016
The things you say
The way you bully me
Too beautiful and conplex for us to see
Gods will and his legacy.

♡poetlefemme 2016
Feeling the spirit.

— The End —