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Julie Grenness Apr 2016
Dear Youth of the Millenium, how are you?
What does our legacy mean to you?
We had ideals once, just like you,
Are you selling out to the system too?
Or maybe we just matured, you see,
Or was it the capitalistic economy?
We were the ones who stopped a war!
All ancient history, now times of yore,
Our ambitions we bequeath you, one day,
We hope the universe waits for you, on the way,
A letter to the future, over to you...
What does our legacy mean to you?
Feedback welcome.
Julie Grenness Feb 2016
What are our millennium fables?
Women keep giving each other labels,
No harmony for our ecology,
An alliance should be our synergy,
No accountability for the economy,
No wise leaders to steer us to unity,
Century's getting older, folks!
Any teamwork to cast off these yokes?
Symbiosis should aim at harmony,
Let's pray for millennium synergy!
Feedback welcome.
ConnectHook Oct 2015
When this digital dark age passes
and smartphone screens go dead
we shall all return to vibrant life.
We shall look up, toward vast horizons
recalling dimly-lit square centimeters of data
finger-scrolling our memories in the afterglow.
We shall again behold the depth of sky
from the mouths of our caves and pit-houses.
We shall know the Creator as well as the Creation.
We shall communicate once again.
Forgive my free verse.
I felt like being naughty.

— The End —