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Blossom Feb 2017
I feel like I've lost all my toes
and smell has run from my nose.
Pink lips turned blue,
Which is what lips do,
When I've fallen deep into snow!
that moment when you fall into snow and all you were wearing were some shorts, a tank, and flip flops.
Marisa Lu Makil Nov 2015
A song echoes here in my ears
It sings in a place no one hears
It twitters along
And sings bold and strong
It's lullaby calms all my fears.
Why I sing when I work.  :)
JT999 Nov 2015
I once knew a kid named Abdual
****** his teacher and was instantly cool.

"I've done the same"
I said with great shame

For I am a child who's home schooled

— The End —