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grey Jun 2019
To my Step-Dad

Oh how wonderful you are,
You don't ever go to the bar.
You scare off every leech,
and don't fill my mouth with bleach.
I'm very thankful you're in my life.
But how is it dealing with a very famous wife?
I wouldn't call you Bob,
Heavens, not even Rob!

(I love you so much!) :D
Let heavens be blanket for that old body
who work everyday in the rainy and hot day
wrinkles on your face characterizes your struggles
sweat is proof of hard work
twilight greets you so fast
countless a lot of time that has traveled in this cruel world
time is never wait and back
only to turn you to be young again
its impossible
but your story will be immortal
in the heart that feels
in hearts of your children

— The End —