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OliviaAutumn Dec 2014
The girl never believed in science.
When asked why apples fall
She answered darling, even apples fall in love.
So she baked an apple pie to make her feel grounded, rooted;
She wanted to be consumed like the sea engulfs the mountain in a storm,
Like a core is mounted by those thirsty for the taste of something left unwholly , vulnerability caressing the bitterness left by someone else's lips, traces of time browning their soft edges.

The girl used to lie outstretched on hilltops each night to watch the moon sweep away the stars each morning so the sun could still shine.
If she shut her eyes and opened her mind
She could hear the moon waning "she'll never be mine"
for the sky is a canvas of desire, a constellation of lust that looks different to every lover.
Their wish is the same regardless of the star: that gravity will soon become the real reason their hearts begin to sink each time they see her hand in another's.
every day the girl shuts her eyes to talk to the sky as if she still believes that's where God lives, as if that is where hope is, and whilst shes on her knees her lovers kiss rises amidst the heat of another girls thighs, synchronising moans as if she has finally found one to call home.
maybe she has, but now the girl can't help but think she may drown in this ocean that is empty without its pull to the crash, that her stolen heart is now her lovers buried treasure, buried so deep that shes forgotten she even had it at all.

The girl sits at the windows pane knowing why it got its name hoping she will some day navigate her way to the only star she sees, the only name she breathes.
If only leaves remembered where they fell from.
If only gravity was the reason she fell.
This was written out of my fear of losing someone. Sometimes fear is more powerful than experience,  more real than reality.
Prabhu Iyer Jul 2014
Last of a beloved set
of bone China plates
just developed a lesion.
Such is life... On the poetic side, I wonder if you noticed, I've used 'lesion' instead of 'crack'

— The End —