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Ruheen Mar 17
there is a house atop a hill
that houses the lonely and hurting
the ones that have burned their edges
they sit within their ship
incessantly sinking
and panic has already set in
so they grab at one another
pull at their hair and skin
because they fear time
they fear time will fail them
****** them from where they stand
end what is incomplete
what they must complete
but what they cannot
because time has interfered
and time is not the adventure they seek
because there is a house
that is haunting
it stands tall, unafraid
but alone
a house that is time itself
one where they gather
only to hurt
and inflict wounds
so deep
no one ever bleeds
because there will never be time
never enough time
to say anything
but what they mean
a kind of time
that they stretch
so they exist at every point
at every end
but they never witness
the whole
because they refuse to believe
that time is only a dream
Inspired by:
Time and the Conways by J.B Priestley - Last bit dialogue from Act 2
Nayana Nair Feb 2017
I have stacks and heaps of poems I have misread.

Where I filled the blanks

which were not meant to be filled.

Where I was supposed to stand stupefied by absurdity of life

I tried to find some order , some reason.

Where I was supposed to sit and listen to worries

I gave advice.Or worse, interfered in lives not mine.

It was always about what I could give to life,

than what life has given to me.

So I have suffered long

trying to fill silences in heart

and words in blank pages.

And never to have made a difference.

Never to have known the beauty

of being incomplete and unfinished.

— The End —