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Charles Vorpal May 2021
It all started
As a mere curiosity
But like a snowball
Rolling down a hill......

I ask my parents
Why do you have me
They speak of family legacy
And 'normal' social expectations;
Yet I have nothing worthy to pass down.
So I shall end the bloodline.

I ask the society
Why do you want me?
They speak of cultural survival
And the gods' commandments;
Yet all I see are oppressive traditions.
So I refuse this ancestral peer pressure.

I ask the church
Why do you want me?
They speak of ensuring numbers
And the "natural" way of the world
Yet all I see are hypocrisy and closed minds.
So I slain the gods in my heart and mind

I ask the world
What do you want from me?
It did not answer; it merely shows.
And I see cruelty, I see pain, I see apathy
So I decide, the universe never cared
There is no meaning to it all
Just the fate one creates for oneself
Thus, I vow, I shall end this darkness
And annihilate all of reality
Should gods and demons oppose me
I will cut them down too!
Charles Vorpal May 2021
The desire to want more
Has been corrupted
Such desires means much more
Than greed, gluttony, or lust

Is it wrong to demand more efficiency
From those who are supposed to lead us?

Is it too much to ask for more empathy
For those sorely in need of compassion?

Is it a sin to demand for more justice
For victims of hypocritical religious figures?

Is it not our basic human rights
To desire more safety and security?

Why do we judge those who want more
Because they want to share with others?

Why do we belittle those seeking equality
And bitterly challenge them more instead?

Why do we put down passions and talents?
When we need more creativity and imagination?

Why do those who are greedy have their wants satisfied
While the desperate ones have their urgent needs neglected?

We need MORE kindness
We need MORE humanity
We need MORE wisdom

Otherwise, in the end
Only anger and pain
Will grow and reign
storm siren Jan 2017
I just can't with the
Lack of compassion
And I just can't with
The way the world is
And I just can't
What makes the hypocritical
Spewing you do
Make sense.

I know neither option was good,
But the only good option
Got ******* over.
And we had hope for this world,
We had good things coming,
And say what you want
But I think compassion and caring
And thinking the best
Is much better than money
And power
And whatever is easiest for God-****-You.

There are things more important
Than money.
There are things more important
Than power and praise.

We have lost sight in that.

So I have lost faith in you, in us, in all that is human.

We, as a species, are lost.

And I just don't know
What can guide us back.

Can anything
Guide as back
On track?

Or are we doomed to repeat
The same mistakes,
The same war crimes,
The same mass genocide,
The same cruelty and hypocrisy
Over and over and over
Until we're gone and obliterated
And all that's left of humans
Of us
Is a depleting O-zone layer,
That may or may not be on its way to healing
By the time we're dead and dust.

I just can't
Bring myself to believe
This is it.
Tomorrow's gonna ****.

— The End —