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brandon nagley Feb 2016

Creation's not of mistake, nor of
Natural selection, we art not of
Darwinian theory, nor of
temporal direction.


We slumbereth neath the
gipseian bleujaday, captured
By the great painter's hand;
King and queen of the mid-
Night crave, wax of glim's
On crystal stands.


Eurasian ether, creational
Blend, the mountain's do
Shaketh, when heavesia

©Brandon Nagley
©Earl Jane Nagley ( Filipino rose) dedicated
©Lonesome poets poetry
Natural selection- is The theory of its action was first fully expounded by Charles Darwin and is now believed to be the main process that brings about evolution.
Darwinian theory -Darwinism is a theory of biological evolution developed by the English naturalist Charles Darwin and others, stating that all species of organisms arise and develop through the natural selection of small, inherited variations that increase the individual's ability to compete, survive, and reproduce.. ( a man who had none god) not me!
Temporal- has to do with the world. Wordly things..
Gipseian- relating to gypsies.
Bleujaday- is a word I made up on mine own, it means in the blue of the day, or blue day. I meant blue day.
Glims- are ancient candles or lanterns.. Archaic word.
Eurasian- mix of european and Asian parentage.
Ether- the clear sky; the upper regions of air beyond the clouds.
heavesia is another word I made up- it means.. Heaven and Asia coming together... (::::::
Commends or commend- praise formally or officially. ( praises)
brandon nagley Jan 2016
Her orb's
As chandeliers;
In the day's of
Yore, bygone
Year's. Shone
Betwixt, the
Divine clear.
As tis her
Is mine

©Brandon Nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
©Earl Jane Nagley ( Filipino rose) dedicated
Her orbs- means her eyes .
Yore- means times of past ..or long ago or former times .
Shone. Past tense of shined.
Exosphere means- the outermost region of a planet's atmosphere
brandon nagley Jan 2016



Mayest thou
Warm, and blanketeth
Me; as a neonate, as
Thou shalt gorgonize
Me, from within the space,
Ourn embracing is a cataract,
Of heavied chime-together laced.


Thine speak is comely, Concord
To mine earshot; the copse is
Surrounding, none manor
Needed, just the coney's,
With the delightful tree's,
veneering ourn cot.


Exhaling all ourn woes
And sorrow's, as if none
Tommorrow; None haste,
And none distaste, house-
Leeks groweth whilst the
Flaxen colored roses follow.


O' oriental Apricity
I'm cold mine lass,
I'm freezing fast;
This winter day
Hath chilled mine
Soul, I needeth thine
Fire-place, to heateth these bones.
Though far-flung, away on stretched water's.
I'm awaiting for thee, mine queen, O' Apricity,
I'm awaiting O' queen, mine swart of the sea, thou holdeth the lock, tis I hath the key, here thou goeth amour', open it up, flyeth on through-setteth me free.

©Brandon Nagley
©Earl Jane Nagley dedicated ( Filipino rose)
©Lonesome poet's poetry
Apricity means- the suns warmth on a cold winters day. Word existed around in the 1620s.
Neonate means- young baby or young mammal. I mean baby lol.
Gorgonize means-  To have a paralyzing or mesmerizing effect on someone.
cataract is waterfall.
Chime is - agree with, be in harmony with.
Copse means- a small group of trees.
Comely means like pleasant peaceful
Speak to me is- voice, or sound of it.
Earshot is- the distance to where I càn hear her.
Manor is like big country mansion.
Cony or coney's is a rabbit. Or rabbit's.
Veneer means like a wood covering, veneering means covering same thing!
Haste means rush something. Rushing..
House-leek plant is - something that can grow up your house. Beautiful! They look like little cacti without the prickers.
Flaxen color is a yellowish color.
swart means- dark-skinned.
brandon nagley Jan 2016
Alway's so afraid I wilt leaveth thou
Why wouldst i;
I'm overly satisfied.

Alway's so afraid I wilt leaveth thou
Why wouldst I;
I've found mine abode.

Alway's so afraid I wilt leaveth thou
Why wouldst I;
When thou art what I sought a many ages'.

Alway's so afraid I wilt leaveth thou
Why wouldst I;
Thou art mine amour, I jotteth down on these pages.

Alway's so afraid I wilt leaveth thou
Why wouldst I;
When with thee I'm one.

Alway's so afraid I will leaveth thou;
Why wouldst I;
When thou art mine wife.

Alway's so afraid I wilt leaveth thou
Why wouldst I;
When we art soulmates.

©Brandon Nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
©Earl Jane Nagley dedicated ( Filipino rose)
brandon nagley Jan 2016
Tιѕ, тнere'ѕ an oaѕιѕ; on тнe rιgнт oғ нer ѕιde
Tιѕ, ѕoмe wιlт calleтн тнιѕ oaѕιѕ Aѕιan,
Tιѕ, I calleтн Jane paradιѕe.

©Brandon Nagley
©Loneѕoмe poeтѕ poeтry
©Earl Jane nagley dedιcaтιon ( Fιlιpιno roѕe)
brandon nagley Jan 2016

Pυlcнrιтυde oғ lυмιneѕcence,
Cнarм oғ тнe eaѕт; darlιng oғ
Tнe Candeѕcenт, тнy нearт'ѕ
Mapped, wιтн υnιqυe ѕтreeт'ѕ.


Organιc Angel, ιnnocenт
Serapн; нarpιng wιтн god,
Wιтн тнe rod oғ cнerυв'ѕ.


I ѕpy ιnтo paradιѕe,
Wιтн тнee on мιne
Sιde; I'м cloѕer тo нeaven,
Wнen I ғall ιn тнιne eye'ѕ.


Tнιne ѕιgнт ιѕ a vιѕιon,
Glιмpѕιng ιnтo тнe new;
Seeιng мιneѕelғ, ιnѕιde oғ
Me, ιnѕιde oғ тнoυ тo.


Zιon ιѕ reвorn,
Broυgнт ιnтo
Tнe new; мιne
Loѕт Aѕιan pearl,
Oғ rapтυroυѕ вlυe.

©Brandon nagley
©Loneѕoмe poeтѕ poeтry
©Earl jane nagley dedιcaтιon ( ғιlιpιno roѕe)
Pulchritude means beauty in old form.
Candeѕcence or Candescent means glowing with or as with heat.
Zion is the heavenly city, or kingdom of david meaning,
brandon nagley Jan 2016

Pʊɨssaռt ɨs tɦɨռɛ ɛռɖɛaʀʍɛռt ɨռ ʍɨռɛ ʟɨʄɛ,
I օաɛtɦ tɦɛɛ aʟʟ; I օաɛtɦ tɦɛɛ ɛʋɛʀʏtɦɨռɢ,
As ʄʀօʍ tɦɛ stɛʟʟaʀ tɦօʊ ɦatɦ ɮɛɛռ sɛռt
Tօ ɮɛ ʍɨռɛ sɨɢɦt.


I ɦatɦ քɨռɛɖ ʍaռʏ sաɛʋɛռ's
Iռ tɦɛ ʍɨռɖ sɛt օʄ ռօռ-քօʟɨtɛ;
I taʀʀɨɛɖ ʍaռʏ sɛasօռ's
Aʄօʀɛ tɦɨռɛ sɦօաɨռɢ, aռɖ tɦɛ ɢʟօաɨռɢ օʄ tɦʏ ʟɨɢɦt.


Sɛքtɛռtʀɨօռaʟ ɨs ʄʀօʍ աɦɛռċɛ I օʀɨɢɨռatɛɖ,
Tօ ɮɛ ɮʀօʊɢɦt tօ tɦɛɛ, ʟɨҡɛ ɦօռɛʏ tօ a ɮɛɛ;
Tաօ ɮɨʀɖ's, tɦɛ saʍɛ tʀɛɛ,
Lօʋɛʀ's օռ tɦɛ Lʊʐօռ sɛa,


Bʊt a ʍaռ I aʍ
Dɛɖɨċatɨռɢ ɦɨs ɖʏɨռɢ ɮʀɛatɦ's tօ tɦɛɛ;
Bɛċaʊsɛ Jaռɛ, ɮɛċaʊsɛ O' Jaռɛ
Tɦօʊ ɦast ɢɨʋɛռ ʍɛ ɮʀɛatɦ ʍɨռɛ զʊɛɛռ.

©Bʀaռɖօռ Naɢʟɛʏ
©Lօռɛsօʍɛ քօɛt's քօɛtʀʏ
©Eaʀʟ Jaռɛ ռaɢʟɛʏ ( Fɨʟɨքɨռօ ʀօsɛ)
If you can't read poems fancy letter's it reads

Title is- But a man I am, dedicating his dying breath's to thee


Puissant is thine endearment in mine life
I oweth thee all; I oweth thee everything,
As from the stellar thou hath been sent
To be mine sight.


I hath pined many sweven's
In the mind set of non-polite;
I tarried many season's
Afore thine showing, and the glowing of thy light.


Septentrional is from whence I originated,
To be brought to thee, like honey to a bee;
Two bird's, the same tree,
Lover's on the Luzon sea,


But a man I am
Dedicating his dying breath's to thee;
Because Jane, because O' Jane
Thou hast given me breath mine queen.

Puissant means - having great power or influence, or mighty.
Stellar has to do with the heavens, space, sky's,
Pined means- suffer a mental and physical decline, especially because of a broken heart..
Sweven means - dreams or sleep. Its an archaic form from indo-european tongue and middle English.
Tarried- stay longer than intended; delay leaving a place.
Septentrional,- meaning "of the north", is a word that is rarely used in English but is commonly used in Latin and in the Romance languages.
Whence means - say if I used from whence I came. Also meaning from where, or from which.
The Luzon sea is by the south China sea. Close to Jane.
Mesmerization- means hypnotized..
brandon nagley Jan 2016

I loveth thee;
Mine own, mine self
Mine whole, mine queen.


Lashes and eyes
I loveth thee;
Mine home, mine help
Best friend, and dream.


Leg's and thighs
I loveth thee;
Mine girl, mine world
Mine living, breathing.


Spirit and mind
I loveth thee;
I giveth mineself,
To thee in sickness
Or wealth, in good
Times or bad health.


Marry and sedate
Me in passionate
Meed; thou art
Mine want, thou
Art mine yearning,
Mine longing,
Mine need.



©Brandon Nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
©Earl Jane Nagley dedicated ( Filipino rose)
Cap-a-pie means - head to toe in Shakespeare tongue....
brandon nagley Dec 2015

Heretofore, I impetrated for mine one and unseen dame,
I knewest not where she wouldst cometh from, though I couldst seeith her hair and face.I mewled out to mine God, even whilst with other's, knowing other's weren't mine soulmates, as tis me and them werent made for another;


I wrote letter's in prayer form, sending the prayer's to heaven. I asked the Lord, to send me mine girl, mine darling, mine lass, the one missing from mine past.


Tis, the past I kneweth her, in spirit form reality, we were two spiritual amour's, we got separated when I was thrown into the flesh, being born in sin, and fleshly seed.

Parfay mine faith, and in Jehovah's good time, whilst not feeling home with other's, as mine body broke down to slime. As tis all the tears I cried, and the year's that I hath waited, the lord answered mine wailing, and mine question's and debating.


I sawest the face, I hath dreamed of many ages, I knewest her face, and recognized her taste, her hair midnight black, her eye's white as poetry's pages; I heardest her voice, the same one from afore, it was mine queen, her name Jane-MI-AMOUR'.........


I was waiting in purgatory, tis then God opened the door, mine angel flew through, I certified her allure. She was mine kindred soul, the other half to mine explores, we were eachother of old, as tis hell went neath the floor. Mine purpose was once fufilled, it came into sight, I was reborn again, the Hello-poetry night. Happiness hadst wrapped me, like a child so tight. Tis God answered, O' mine father answered, he responded with Jane, the lass of mine past life...

©Brandon Nagley
©Lonesome poets poetry
©Earl Jane Nagley dedicated ( Filipino rose)
Heretofore in archaic form means- before now.. In other terms in the past before now..
impetrated in archaic means- beseech or beg for.
Mewled in archaic means - like weeping or weep or weeped.
Dame is a woman...
Parfay archaic form means- by my faith, or verily. Or truthfully as well.
brandon nagley Dec 2015

Se agapó
tóra kai gia pánta,
Tha s 'agapó
xaná kai xaná,
se ílio, í sti vrochí


Tha s 'agapó
pánta vasílissa;
írthe i óra na xypnísoun
ópou to óneiro tou poiití.

(Greek tongue)

( English tongue)

I love you
Now and forever,
I'll love you
Over and over,
In sun, or in rain.


I'll love you
Forever queen;
It's time to wake
Where poet's dream.

©Brandon Nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
©Earl Jane Nagley dedicated ( Filipino rose)
vaslissa- means queen in Greek tongue...
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