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Michael Marro Jan 2020
You with him - hurts my head
You not wanting me - hurts my heart
Your distance from me - hurts my soul
So I stay away - so it won't hurt you
It's bad tonight
Michael Marro Jan 2020
Listen to my heart
Convincing is not its goal
Simply listen true
Michael Marro Dec 2019
that long kiss goodnight
the one i wish i could take
is not mine to miss
Michael Marro Dec 2019
Entire lives encircle Sol believing that the ancient gods are a fiction.
These joyless sacks of empty flesh have never been graced with a moment in your presence. In that instant, all doubt is dispelled, for at your birth the Muses crafted their ultimate blessing to us mortals.

You embody the inspiration of Polyhymnia, Erato, and Calliope;
     sacred, epic, love poetry flows unbidden from even the most
     leaden of souls when you are near.
Dreams of grand comedies, heroic tragedies, and monumental
     histories spring forth in you wake; each worthy of the pens of
     Thalia, Melpomene, and Clio.
Your every sound and step cause Euterpe and Terpsichore to glow
     with pride.
But possibly the most magnificent caress cam from Urania; for you,
     my Love, are the incarnation of the naked stars in all their
     infinite beauty, enshrined on this unworthy Earth.

I wish I could let her know I still ... everything.
Pretty much sums up why I started writing in the first place. It was so much easier with her in my life.
Michael Marro Jan 2020

A permanent partner, a fast friend,
A heartbreaking Harlow, a mystifying muse,
A goth girl, a Southern seductress

Must be:
     Someone who will call me up & call me
     Someone who wakes my senses and keeps
     me in bed
     Someone strong enough to show me her
     faults and weak enough to cave to my
     cravings of
          intimacy in caffeine-driven crescendos
          of stimulating company & conversation
          as well as the spontaneous shenanigans
          of improvised encounters
     Someone to sow the seeds of new love in
     the furrowed field left by Life's scarring
     upon my heart.
I do try to move on. But I still ... everything.
Michael Marro Jan 2020
The scars life allows on our hearts are furrows to sow new love
Michael Marro Jan 2020
There is something very intimate about the right coffee with the right person. While wine may be fine, it dulls the senses and mind. I'd rather enjoy the caffeine-driven crescendo of stimulating company and conversation.
Inspired by LB
Michael Marro Jan 2020
I hope those days
Of warm her embrace
Haven't strayed
Without a trace
Just a quick thought inspired by "what's her name" from IG: @shesmilesbig

— The End —