solitude marks the height of my contentment
no agreements to make
I don't have to see faces
nods smiles masked aggression
I don't have to act
I don't have to trade facade for facade
with my peers
do I even have peers?
at night, I feel a stillness
so deep, so harsh, so honest
I don't have to live this lie
explain why I'm fine
why everything is fine
because, it's not
nothing's fine
I am a million clashing universes
filled with endless dying stars
and I reach out
to the other universes
and shrink back
and at night
I fill the stillness
the stars collapsing
every synapse bending
toward destruction
no want
no need
no crying out for more
at night there is no other
no one to say my name falsely
and when I sleep
the ocean of my subconscious
carries me to sleeping cures
takes me away for years
to great expanses of colorful
living worlds
where I feel
where my emotions are tangible
they keep me company for
a millennia
I wake to this doll world
where a friend asks
how are you doing
and she's doing it out of obligation
and there's no color
and I have no emotion
and I feel nothing
Life is the waiting room for the exploration of that dream world
and every night
I taste it
I touch it
I breathe in its vibrance
and the only want
is to never wake
to this grey world
to never have to answer