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Robert Dill Nov 2018
So here’s the truth
You can’t just stop loving someone
There’s some supernatural force
And it reminds me of you
It tells all the stories of us
The way you stared into my eyes
And how time stood still
I still think about everything you told me
That one deep dark secret
And I hate how I used it against you
I was so hurt from finding out
About that other guy you slept with
And that doesn’t make it right
I think that day really messed me up
Even now it’s been 4 years
And that dent you left is still there
It’s been accompanied by other ones
But none quite so deep
I’ve tried focusing on its design
But haven’t been able trace it right
Your love was one of a kind
I guess it’s finally time I admitted that
Nena Twedell Feb 2015
I sit quietly holding my tongue
Letting your words hit my chest like daggers
Letting them hit me with such force I have to remind myself to breathe
But I don't make you stop
I only let you continue
Never letting words of anger make there way out of my throat
Filtering my words as if they were from a contaiminated stream
Your presence daunts my inner most being
yet I have fallen under your spell of cynicism
I sit quietly holding my tongue
Letting your pessimism pass through me as if I were only air
But I don't put up my walls
Because you have already seen inside of them
I smile and pretend that it doesn't bother me
That your words are not of importance as if they are water under the bridge
Yet they hit me like daggers leaving dents in my armor
but I don't stop you
I just sit quietly and hold my tongue

— The End —