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Fuji Bear Jun 2014
There lays a beach somewhere
in a far away land
just out of reach of reality.
where stillness fills the air
Life and time are frozen. 
The ocean a glassy mirror,
without a ripple on the shore.
Not a bird chirping,
nor a leaf rustling.
If one could witness,
their ears would surely burn,
from the deafening silence.
Angelina Apr 2014
Sometimes when I am in bed,
Laying in the dark,
I listen to the cars roar by
From silence back into silence.

The silence is so loud, I think I may go deaf,
And the darkness suffocates me.
As I lay,
I feel the dark closing around me.
The silence is consuming,
And my thoughts permeate the total blackness.

The world suddenly seems so big,
And I so infinitesimally small.

— The End —