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gabriel ackerman Aug 2015
So i look in the mirror and wonder if this is the end.
I think of my life, my family, and a dead friend.
In my mind I see him smiling his face so bright.
Him laying down his head gently, sleeping soundly every night.
But alas he is gone never to return.
His memories burned but not stored in any urn.
I look in the same mirror as my eyes fill with tears.
I think about my dreams, and my unnecessary fears.
My dead friend had fears too, though much more logical than mine.
Unlike me he wasn't scared all the time.
He wasn't scared for his life, he didn't have to run.
He joy was everlasting, trampled by none.
But i wasn't jealous as i was happy too.
We were always looking for a new adventure, thinking what to do.
One last time i look in the mirror, and think of all he couldn't be.
But then i remember, that dead friend, it's me.
I hope everyone likes it, the last poem turned out to be a bust. so i'll try again :)

— The End —