Taking my genuine emotions, my heartfelt feelings,
Grinding them under your heel, smashing them,
Laughing as they are crushed beneath you, yet cruelly stealing
My heart once again, without remorse, a resolute goal without resting.
Why? Do you yet stand under the sky,
Leading others on, yet forever saying goodbye,
Simply to feel wanted, or by many desired,
Or sought after, though you simply leave those in your wake shattered?
Curse you.
For those who you leave bereft,
For all those who wept, who were left, for not realizing their worth,
May you also feel that despair, even within your mirth.
Remember, when others have left you alone,
How there were those poor fools who reached out,
To be there for you at your lowest, To aid you in your doubt,
To get acquainted with thy soul, To soothe your wounds,
But you turned your back,
Saying "Maybe another day", still urging for their attention, even then,
So, may you sow what you reap,
You oath-breaker, even as you read it and weep.