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Bekah Halle Sep 8
flat on my back;
muscles seized
after an overdue  
trying to relax,
I know it'll
just take time to
work out.
IamThatGirl May 2018
Pain shoots through my spine,
blood flow is restricted,
to the pain meds I´m starting to get addicted,

I can hear the bones in my knee krack,
and I could feel the tendon snap,

I spent my life training, riding, playing, swimming,
now everything is compromised,
this ontop of all is hell summarized,

but Im plowing through,
screaming in pain,
but nothing can stop me now,
my head is too deep into the game.
I had to pump myself up before its time to get out of bed. my insomnia has held me up all night again and i am crying in pain when I move but I need to get to the school stable tomorrow.
Jackie Mead Apr 2018
As I lay engulfed in pain, codeine, paracetamol ibuprofen and voltarol my best friends by my side.
I am grateful for the things in life that bring me the greatest joy.

My family cheer me up each and every day.
Just passing by for a cuppa they all say.
Deep down they surely know how much it means to me, thirty minutes of  the day my mind and body are carefree.

A warm bath, radox in, heat patches upon my skin.
The warm water is high, covers my body, the muscle soak leaves my limbs loose and my mind woolly.
Like a drug induced high I feel relaxed and elated, the pain temporarily sedated.

Cushions piled high behind my back, in one position they can't remain.
Move them repeatedly, change their formation searching, searching for the right mix.
Then get it just right and keep it fixed.

Go the walk-in centre people say, meaning well but not today.
I can't walk to the walk-in centre is the only reply I can say.

Looking around whilst on my bed, words flowing through my head.
I am grateful for all that I've got, grateful for my lot.

I've had this before and I'll have it again, whilst it's here the pain drives me insane BUT it's only temporary, it will go away and therefore I can honestly say for that I am truly grateful.
Probably brought from a combination of Running and picking up the grandchildren, neither of which I am willing to give up just yet, so likelihood is it will happen again.

— The End —