It is perfectly possible to be surrounded by people and still feel alone. It is perfectly possible to be surrounded by your best friends and feel like strangers. It's nobody's fault, sometimes the people you've known for ten years decide their part in your story is over and that's okay. It does you no good to hang on to people you no longer feel yourself around. Life is short and you shouldn't have to make yourself a lesser version of what you could be just to hold on to someone who doesn't want you anymore. People change and that's okay, you have to let these things go. It's not easy but you made a similar mistake before, you held onto someone who didn't care about you or your heart and you allowed them to proceed in stamping all over it. It took a long time to recover but when you finally let go of the terrible, horrible feelings weighing you down what happened? You allowed the most wonderful person to come into your life, you healed your soul and you haven't looked back since. This won't be easy, you love them and you never wanted to let them go like this but it's time to move on from all the bad feelings and just allow yourself to be. Be what? Anything you want. Change is certainly coming but it is a good change, you'll meet new people who are like minded and who value you. You won't have to step on eggshells anymore. You can finally be who you are meant to be and live the life you deserve to have. Let go. Forgive. Be free.
Written in August 2014