From the coals of sacred texts, brought fouth from ancient whispers of a circle of unbroken time, dipping and acendinding its change state, as the one constant in unending continuity. Therein lies a simple truth, corrupted with gentle persuasion.
The state of being, the being of state and status of beings.
There are three main laws for us to pervail and avail here and now, or in past and future possibility. There is one rule that seperates, yet, reconsiles and is master of all truth; ugly or beautiful it renders life in death, death into life and life into death.
to live evil live to - live.d.evil
to Evo L ovE to
The cycle that never alters its identity making Its mood known in all forms and states; the All as in the We collective; and as the I; AGAPI, the known mystery of presiding over both and the first of the third.
Go.d and evil.
Live with the hidden truth in plain sight. Felt with intense realness, hidden in semantics of languages long lost and forgotten, but none is needed to unless seeking to corrupt the incorruptible what is known and fails in explanation.
For this very reason, the logic of AGAPI (love) in all its moods, colours, ugliness and beauty fail to be described. And still, the poets' pride tries in vain to capture the whole. Ever so often though, glimpses resonate and we can see a temporal portal with the promise of the indescribable known.
Author's Notes/Comments:
For the few temporal and literal scholars here who might find something of interest here. Blessings and Hugss