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Love as we know it can never die
As long as we possess the ability to recall
We can re-experience every pleasurable moment
If we are willing to remove our angry walls

Will you allow yourself the chance
To remember how you felt
As you embraced a long lost lover
When nothing mattered and no one else

All the grief melts away
For those sacred seeds were sown
And all the moments of good love
Are as good as carved in stone
We store memories under many different categories, smell, sight, hearing, taste, touch and so on, the temporal lines get blurred.
That's why you have dreams of ex-lovers you now hate and in the dream you're still in love. Just something to think about.
I can see a smoky haze
The billowing fire died down
Once clouds of blackness
Obscured the bright sky
One flick of a matchstick
And a single spark
Enough to spread the mayhem
Caught off guard
Every dried leaves and sticks
Came into the lure of mighty fire
Flowing like a raging ocean
Flames gallop like wild horses
Forests are bogged down
To become ashen-faced
Once a glorious site
Now ravaged by mighty flames
Spiraling out of control
Winds give wings to the flames
They travel far and wide
Across the forest floors
Unruly flames engulf everything
Sooner flames will die down
But the smoky haze will obfuscate
The vision to look beyond
It’s a maddening haze  
From the fury of embers
Across the blank pages
The poet’s heart sleeps
Stretching the soul languidly
As feelings stretch to words
Etched are the elegant lines
The soul becomes a contortionist
With amazing grace and flexibility
The lines grace the blank pages
Random words fly off my pen
Random thoughts run through my head
I pick a random song and sing along
I dance a random dance( I'm lucky no one sees me)
I say Hi to a random stranger(that person looked at me like I lost my mind)
My favorite random thing to find are random acts of kindness
Maybe a random thing will come your way
or you might just have a random sort of day.
This Random poem comes to you via an insomniac.
It's a small bed we share
barely enough for the two
but big enough for the pair
to see the years sail through.

The wood now creaks with age
shrunk thin the old mattress
weighed down with passing days
buoyed up with embrace.

The pillows are thick with stains
of tears that flowed all the while
from rivers of joys shared pains
upon travel of the long trying miles.

Loyally it carries us along
our bed of priceless worth
could mere wood be that strong
if not bonded with warmth!
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