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Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler, long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth;

Then took the other, as just as fair,
And having perhaps the better claim,
Because it was grassy and wanted wear;
Though as for that the passing there
Had worn them really about the same,

And both that morning equally lay
In leaves no step had trodden black.
Oh, I kept the first for another day!
Yet knowing how way leads on to way,
I doubted if I should ever come back.

I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.
little dark girl with
kind eyes
when it comes time to
use the knife
I won't flinch and
i won't blame
as I drive along the shore alone
as the palms wave,
the ugly heavy palms,
as the living does not arrive
as the dead do not leave,
i won't blame you,
i will remember the kisses
our lips raw with love
and how you gave me
everything you had
and how I
offered you what was left of
and I will remember your small room
the feel of you
the light in the window
your records
your books
our morning coffee
our noons our nights
our bodies spilled together
the tiny flowing currents
immediate and forever
your leg my leg
your arm my arm
your smile and the warmth
of you
who made me laugh
little dark girl with kind eyes
you have no
knife. the knife is
mine and i won't use it
who are you,

you are not a name
or a height, or a weight
or a gender
you are not an age
and you are not where you
are from

you are your favorite books
and the songs stuck in your head
you are your thoughts
and what you eat for breakfast
on saturday mornings

you are a thousand things
but everyone chooses
to see the million things
you are not

you are not
where you are from
you are
where you're going
and i'd like
to go there
In a world of over 7billion people you'd be amazed by the amount of variety
but sadly most people are similar deep down
we have the same desires
hopes, dreams
most of us spend the weekends the same way
the majority of us like films
so on a large scale we are unique but on a smaller scale we are the same

In a world of over 7billion people
I would have thought more people would hold my attention, that they would surprise me
so when I do meet someone that catches me off guard
someone that is truly unique, someone that surprises me I do my best to keep them in my life
I trust them completely
and I will always be their for them.
Not many people but all my best friends started out as someone that caught my attention and surprised me.

People that surprise me, I try to keep in my life
I'm a friend to everyone but my best friends surprise me.
We had words
That can paint
Make anything
We had words
That can cook
Make anything
We had words
That can carve
Make anything
We had words
That can
Create wonders
I am happy to be one
Among you
Using words for
Anything I want
                                    how is it?
you only live once.
but you can die,
a thousand deaths.

                                    how is it?
i can be blinded,
by your beauty.
but beauty is
in the eye,
of the beholder.

                                    how is it?
that i live,
only for you.
but i live,
to change the world.

                                    how is it?
love is a,
but love is,
life's refuge.

                                    how is it?
you loom large,
in my eyes.
but you make,
the big things,
seem small.

                                    how is it?
that to you,
i am a queen.
but to me,
i am love's
fool... lost.

                                    how is it?
history repeats,
but you are,
my first truelove.

 Jun 2014 Susila Hendri
Do I have to be selfish
And hide the truth
To achieve everything

Do I have to be a thief
And steal one's right of knowing things
To manipulate everything

Do I have to be egocentric
And forget about others
To be happy alone

To yawp is to scream
To scream is to feel relieved

Am I relieved
Or do I look relieved

To be or not to be
everyone leave
your family , your friends
nobody won't stay forever
realize you will be alone
the most scariest thing
 Mar 2014 Susila Hendri
Yossi D
It is very important.
It is what pushes you to be a better person.
It is what gives you those memories.
It is those special people who are with you all the time.
It is almost as close as family.
It is "Friendship".
I'm afraid to write about you because
Ink makes me feel everything,
And everything feels so much more real
When my cursive words smudge up against
The side of my hand and stain it blue
As my pen races to keep up with my heart

But it can't be real,
Because I thought I was moving on,
I thought I was growing up,
I thought I knew all of this was
Foolish and starry-eyed

I thought, I thought, I thought
But maybe I need to stop thinking
And just let myself feel;
Feel the butterflies you put in my stomach,
Feel the pure bliss you infuse into bloodstream

And maybe I don't need to know everything,
Like exactly what you're thinking
Or exactly how I feel
Or how all of this is going to turn out

I guess what I'm saying is that
Everything isn't always going to be clear,
I may come up to "two roads in a yellow wood"
And not be absolutely certain which one I'm meant to take,
But I do know that whichever path I choose,
I'd like to be able to scan the trees and smile
Because you're there walking alongside me.
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