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  Apr 2014 suicidalsmiles
Isobel Leslie
You called it a love bite
Like the word hickey would burn in your mouth
and strip away the taste of her still on your lips

You called it a love bite
Because hickey sounded like troubled teens
and stained sheets

You called it a love bite
Because her perfume still stuck to your shirt
and you didn't want to take it off

You called it a love bite
because you loved her
But you knew she called it a hickey
and nothing more.
Let him go. Just because he loves you doesn't mean you own him. Let him go.
suicidalsmiles Apr 2014
Why do my knees go weak
My eyes meet yours
I really miss him
  Apr 2014 suicidalsmiles
Joshua Haines
When I fall asleep my eyes meet yours.
  Apr 2014 suicidalsmiles
Joshua Haines
You're back.

But I'm not really here anymore.
And so I fell in love with this Site
Where dreams are gold and come alive at night.
Where your heart is laid, open and bare
And everyone can understand what is in there.
From the shallow to the deep, the good to the bad,
From the light to the dark, the happy to sad.
I am thankful, I am joyful,
What this is,
is Fruitful.
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I mean a lot to people, but I don't mean a lot to me....
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