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  Jul 2016 Stxlle
Isn't it lovely
When pervy men
Pop up in your DM box
And try to make you feel
That you are a failure

Someone's pen
Is thicker than his ****
  Jul 2016 Stxlle
The only part of my day
That I look forward to
Is when I go to bed
And lay there making up scenarios
In my head.

I think of comebacks
To 8th grade bullies.
I think of witty retorts
To my mother's snide comments.
I think of intelligent things to add
To conversations I had months ago.

I think of all the things
I was too scared to say.

And in my mind
I say them.
And pretend how things would be different
If only I had the courage to speak.
  Jul 2016 Stxlle
Colour Blind

I don't see the colour of your skin.

I see
the colour of your heart.

Is it dark and putrid or
is it the color of a soft and lilting tune?
Is it filled with warm tones,
or cold?
Hues of ice and snow,
or gold?

Do you give or take?
Do you love or hate?

I don't see race or faith,
I just see you-
your energy, your words, your actions.

I see you; I just simply
see you.
The news is getting to me. Let's all just love and be loved.
Every one of us deserves love and kindness. Every single one of us.
By Jennifer R Fay Copyright 2016
  Jul 2016 Stxlle
They say
that a house becomes a home
only after you've
lived in it
long enough to learn
it's weak spots.

I've lived in this
for years.
I've learned the flaws
weak spots
and abnormalities
yet it doesn't
feel like
Stxlle Feb 2016
I have no where to hide
Nothing to blind me
The silent space between us
grows more and more
I don't know how I'll shield myself
from your eyes that never look my way
I don't know what to feel
Will I ever feel okay?

Everything I notice reminds me of you
Letters turn to words turn to sentences
all about you and you have no clue
I'm filled with what ifs and regrets
Is there anything I can do?

I have no other destination
No where else to go
There are no more distractions
to hide myself from reality
I no longer know how to avoid
my emotions
They are breaking down my walls
Will I overcome this one-sided devotion?

I wrote you poems you will never read
Sentences turn to stanzas turn to poems
all for you and I can't help it
I can't stop thinking about you anymore
*Will my thoughts of you ever quit?
Same guy... Nothing new...
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