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1.1k · Aug 2014
Steven Holland Aug 2014
The first time I loved ,
Time turned into temperature ,
Each second galloping towards an intergalactic ice age .

I shivered ,
Darkness withered ,
you showed me delight.
678 · Feb 2015
Steven Holland Feb 2015
blessed with shade as well as light ,
gifted with two eyes,
that can actually see with a knowledge of perspective ,
distinguish others configuration ,
discriminate no matter what their form ,
voices are assimilated,
and when i get to hear the purity of her native tongue...
dull daily life is hardly ascertained.
we pretend until the end*,
the tedious concepts of fast society and upper classes are irrelevant.
477 · Dec 2014
Steven Holland Dec 2014
My Tea ain't sweet no mo,
Did I leave it out too long ?
The sugar left and the caffeine is way too strong.

My Tea ain't sweet no mo,
I can smell the tannin double ,
Then my Tea cried "you nothin but trouble, ain't no more sugar in this couple."
266 · Dec 2014
254 · Oct 2014

— The End —