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Without Love
Protons and electrons break loose
To float their separate trajectories
Into nothingness
Nucleus abandoned
Merges, One, Explodes
Into nothingness
Without Love

Without Love
Atoms rebel
Defy the sticky glue that together
Makes them matter
Trees and things
Reduced to dreams
None of which matter
Without Love

The heart grows hard without it
The soul can't live without it
How can the thinking mind doubt it
With so much revealed about it?

Without Love
People forget
Wonder and mystery, hope and memory
As if Love never existed
They strive for nothing more
Than a gentle death
And hope someone will remember
They existed
But the grand Valtari of time will ensure
Nobody will
Without Love

Without Love
Without light
Without the dividing line
Between day and night
Without belief
Without grace
Without any reason
To stay in this hard place
Without these things
Who can live?
With nothing offered
With nothing to give
There are no words
To make you understand
Not even these
O, loveless man
Never felt such despair,
Cruelty of the word NO,
Thoughts about you and me,
Rejection that you gave me.
Once in a blue moon, i felt such despair.
Wanting a YES, yet the one you gave is a NO
Now i know,
Rejection isn't what i yearned.
So i got rejected. Gotta continue with life.
I lose all track of time when I am with you and I cannot wait until we are together again. When I am separated from you my heart aches and I can't think of anything else. Of all the things in the world to which I could have become addicted, your love is the one I most desire.
The day you smiled was the day I fell
fell so hard I couldn't even tell
talking about anything an everything in between
talking 'bout you
talking 'bout me

I wanna be the girl you notice for more than a day
the girl you'll remember after May
the girl you'll hopefully want to stay
a bright memory among the existing
your summer fun
your only one

if only for a day
I'll get you to stay
you take my heart
and I'll steal yours away
promise to come
and to never leave

our summer love will never fade
but always grow
ingrained on my soul is what you are my own beautiful Northern Star
you lead me to myself, the truth inside
and bring out all the secrets I want to hide
The Lord loves each man
His hand has crafted still
And spends so much mercy
For those going downhill

And blessing after blessing
They refuse for fire
As loudly has he begs for them
To turn from death so dire

A wedding feast so bright
Awaits the other road
And yet with stubborn conflict
To fire they still go

Jesus cries "come near, come near"
But they still refuse
To accept the sweetness
His love will infuse

And as they walk yet farther
Down the broader road
His cries echo-quiet now
The devil's seeds are sown

And yet, a father, gracious
Though unwilling He afflicts
Will whisper sweet lullabies
His loved ones to transfix
 Apr 2016 stéphane noir
like the good
in your bye

and that sweet lil thing you put
in a farewell
they say it's sweet
truth is it's just coated
to hide the most bitter taste.
The people's total willingness
To accept such blatant ignorance
Seems like quite a condemnation.
Though this illusion seems like bliss,
It also seems like the causation

For many obstacles we face--
How we try to hastily race
To somehow appease these morons--
God forbid they might feel displaced,
It's not like the life they knew's gone

If someone finally brought forth the facts
And proved they were totally true,
Though quickly, they'd refute this evidence
And stick with the **** they first knew.
Life is hard indeed, but **** it up, for time won't stop and wait for you.
Get moving and walk to your dreams. Time is ticking, and so are you.
Don't get so stuck up in your position, but get ahead of what you are right now. Time will always move constantly, but you can accelerate yourself, so do your best, and run towards your dream. **** all of your problems and hardships, because that is what we call it as: L I F E.
:) :)
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