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  Feb 2015 stargirl
this is me saying
that i don't care how i am
treated, i love you.
  Feb 2015 stargirl
Like an infectious disease
you spread your lies
despite the hurt the pleas and cries
your actions they intoxicated
a delicate soul
we all played into your game
gave you all the control.
stargirl Feb 2015
i'm sad,
and although this doesn't concern you in the slightest,
i feel as though you should know.

i'm not crying. i'm not shaking.

that's not what sadness is about, is it?
crying, panic attacks, running mascara...
i don't know,
and neither do you.

i'm not going to say i still see your imprint in my mattress,
because despite the physical impossibilities,
you rarely ever ate.

i'm also not going to say these sheets still have your scent,
because i've washed them since then.

i know there's no hole in my heart,
and i know my soul is still present,
but they both seem so figurative as of now.

i don't know what's wrong with me!
loving you still... after all this time.
he hates me for it, you know.

your name slipped from my lips
(even though they were coated in his spit.)

i remember the slap he gave me.

i remember the way you held my hand.

i remember the first time you said you loved me.

and, ****, do i remember the day you left me,
without even the most minuscule chance
of utter regret
on your mind.
i keep trying to write but only **** comes out
  Feb 2015 stargirl
Daniel Magner
Maybe if all soldiers
had to look their enemy in the eye
before they killed them
they wouldn't
or maybe not,
my head's just full of thoughts
where is peace?
what does this all mean?
what does this all

Daniel Magner 2015
Based off a story my grandpa Gerry told me about the war in Korea. He had a man in his sights but they locked eyes, in that moment he saw something and missed on purpose. The man was captured and tortured for 3 days before he died. He said he never forgot the man's eyes....
  Feb 2015 stargirl
We both created
such a beautiful mess.
We were like a watercolor painting,
shades of reds and blues
and purples and greens
splattered on a blank canvas.
oh darling, we are so far from perfect. but we're beautiful together, in our own catastrophic way.
"Better Together" by Jack Johnson.
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