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  Apr 2016 S S
David Adamson
Old selves die easily.
They whine their superseded demands
And the winds of change
Blow buildings down on them.

Or slide into a warm bath of contentment
And gasp out their last as the water drains,
Marooning them like bathtoys of despair.

One has expired in my arms.
His face turns to smoke
Like a ghost beginning to form.

Tenderly, I drag him to the backyard
To hide him with the others.
I mark where they’re buried
So oblivion knows where to find them.
  Apr 2016 S S
In my world there is a gem...
On which there are two
predominant facets.
It has never been just me,
or just you...
It is us...
Marooned on a little cast off islet.

If I could take just one sip
from the fount of transitory courage,
I'd take the leap
into waters deep.
So I could pave the route
for our safe passage.

To freedom and love...
Without restrictions or restraint.
If only we could...
We'd harness from the infinite palette above
and with it,
boundless magic
we would paint.
  Apr 2016 S S
These words...
They traverse the fine line between earth and sky.
They dwell not, surface-deep in the dirt.
They be haloed not, as the chorus of heaven.

They're just murmurs that swim intangible.
Like reticulated wisps of smoke.
Incapable of materialising...
Or take definite forms on their own.

They only await to be carefully selected,
rearranged and harnessed into a jar...
Before being sealed infinite with a title.

Be quiet and still...
For you will hear them.
Milling and floating in the silence
that exists between your heartbeats.

Listen close...
For they are fragments of you
and the universe.
They're thoughts and feelings that come awake
as you slumber.

Awaiting to be selected...
Awaiting to be rearranged...
Awaiting to be harnessed...

By you,
the conduit with a pen.
I believe almost everyone can write...
Just quieten down and pick up a pen. Harness the universe and conjure magic.
S S Apr 2016
The awful daring of a moment’s surrender
Which an age of prudence can never retract
By this, and this only, we have existed

- T.S.Eliot
  Apr 2016 S S
At night,
when the sea is still,
you can't tell sky from water,
and everything is
convoluted mirrors
spiraling away into darkness:
an abyss of serpentine stars,
warping the night sky
into a kaleidoscope
of constellations.
The sky is full of stars,
and I get the euphoric sensation
that I am floating in space,
suspended in stellar time
with nothing but oblivion
and pinpricks of light
around me.
this brings me comfort.
It is reassuring
to pretend as though
I am significant
in this world.
  Apr 2016 S S
all my life, it's been nothing but the fear
living in a world where any peace is rare
when angels and demons whisper in my ear
not having what it takes, it makes it hard to bear

all my life, I've been walking in the steps
following a path that hasn't led to better yet
i'm taking bets about what might happen next
I wonder to myself, is this as good as it ever gets?
Sorry about the emo stuff. I think I will keep adding to this poem though. Hopefully with more positivity.
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