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2.6k · May 2014
Hesitation (Slam Poem)
Hesitations grips me
Sometimes with a soft gentle squeeze and sometimes with an iron fist
That split second where you see that girl with whimsical hair and a playful smile and your body is screaming at the top of its lungs “GO AFTER HER YOU FOOL!!!” while your brain mulls over the endless stream of stressful situations
I can hear Robin Williams calling out to me “Let me hear your YAWP!” and I’m shaking, quivering, rattling, generating the vocal ferocity of a lion! And all that comes out is a whimpering “yawp…”
Hesitation grips me
A harmless compliment to brighten someone’s day, no harm done, just a quick simple “I like your pants” a smile and I’m on my way
Simple! Wrong!
That flickering candle of pleasantries is cut short by a swiftly shutting window of opportunity
The breeze not hesitating to extinguish its light
Hesitation grips me
How many moments must I suffer paralyzed lips before my can of complimentary worms is opened?
How many lovely strangers will continue to mill about their days in unblissful ignorance of my enjoyment of their simple, subtle or overt characteristics?
This hesitation grips me!
It shackles me and holds the key in front of my face and all it requires is one real Yawp! The mustering has begun! That key is my freedom of hesitant chains! Just! One! Yawp! I think I can I think I can I think I can! Just! One! Yawp! “yawp…”
Hesitation grips me
Meant to be read aloud, quotes are whispers.
2.3k · May 2014
Kisses (Slam poem)
I think kisses, should be given like gifts.
Like; I like what you’ve done smooch here have this
A kiss is like a bow on a present, it may be small, but it makes it all that much more pleasant.
Whether its a peck, French or Australian, a kiss is delightful, something uniquely **** Saipan
Lips pressed against skin send chills down spines and smiles on faces, lips pressed to lips send blood running through veins and a heart throb that chases.
The next time you pick flower petals one after another, thinking do they love me, love me not.  Think about how splendid it'd be to have a new lover, to kiss you, and be kissed a lot.
I hope this inspires you to taste new tongues, to swap some spit and to have some fun, because at the end of the day and the best thing in the morning, is a wonderful kiss, to follow your yawning.
Meant to be read aloud
1.3k · May 2014
Alone (Slam Poem)
You are a beautiful puzzle made out of glass
You have a warm caramel center, hidden inside of a labyrinth of glass walls
And any wrong move, wrong turn, wrong anything, is met with a shatter of those glass panes, and slamming down of stone walls.
Crashing down around the caramel, sealing it in
It took me years to excavate that caramel, to keep it intact, to drink deep and be merry with you.
And now you relaid the stone,  reset the glass, and with a big sign that says “warning, spencer, keep out”
But my doors are open, and you wont step foot outside your castle, leaving me to the cold lonely breeze.

I’m not the kind of person who should be alone.  I think too much and other people make me happy, human interaction feeds my soul.  And yet here I sit, frantically typing as if the more keys I smash into the board the faster ill get over you.  The more letters I put on the page the less I have to deal with, ya right, *******.  But I write and write and write because putting these words on the paper is like pulling poison out of me, ******* and drawing it out like wax, spinning it like cloth and throwing that cloth in a big ******* fire, but instead of light and warmth im left with a little less inside and little more outside.  But whats a pond to the ocean? Whats a match to the sun?  All these thoughts become undone and remade in print. Because typing out poetry is like boxing, you hit and hit and hit the paper and then all of a sudden you get hit back, letters on screens mirroring internal screams.  Writing on paper is a sword fight, and yes the pen is mightier but that paper betrays you, words carved into paper flesh like tattoos glyphed into trees.  And just like me words don’t like to be alone, trees don’t like to be alone, I am not the type of person who should be alone.  Singular is not my preferred pronoun.
This is meant to be read aloud.
908 · May 2014
Corroding to Reason
After wandering into a field I had fantasized all my basic life
        I waded into fading pH pools
Looking through a flower, I fleetingly saw you
        Trapped between petals and figments, peering back at me
Caught off guard and slipping into the arena of my past
I wished, I remembered, and then I corroded
With a neutralizing epiphany,
        I realized you were content to stay.
806 · May 2014
March 18th
I want to be with you
I want to be beside you
Underneath you
On top of you
Behind you
I want to be with you
I want you to be with me
I want you sitting shotgun, hair blowing in the breeze
I want you next to me, legs crossed, smile wide
Gazing up at me
I want you being my player two
Driving us off a cliff in Halo
I want to be with you
Pushing you off my bed
Pushing you on my bed
I want to be with you
I want you to come with me to the river and sit with me
Talk to me about the stars and our lives and past lives
Lay me down and open my mind before I open your legs
Ill lay you down and open your mind before you open my legs
I want to be with you
In Neverland, in Disneyland, in Wonderland, in Paris, in New York
In the moonlight with me tonight, and tomorrow night, and even the next if I’m lucky
I want to wake up next you, I want to go to sleep with you
I want to breathe with you
I want to breathe you in
I want to be with you
Here, there, everywhere
I want to be with you
I want to take you there
I want you to take me there
I want you
I want to be me
With you
I want to be with you
January 1st, I want to be with you
January 2nd, I want to be with you
December 31st I want to be with you
February 14th, I want to be with you
March 18th, I want to be with you
April 18th, I want to be with you
May 18th, I want to be with you
June 18th, I want to be with you
July 18th, I want to be with you
August 18th, I want to be with you
Written for Rachael Sablik, on 11/11/12
678 · May 2014
Memoirs of the Ents
Forest lords
Wooden towers crowned with leaves
Ancient ones betrothed in rock
Remember eons of unchallenged royalty
Absolute emerald dominion betwixt heaven and brine
Kings and queens orchestrate all life under the sun with green brilliance
Compress millennia of dominance into rings of rich summers and harsh winters
Verdant barbarians war with infernos cast from clouds and seeped from stone
Arisen from ash
Battlefield turned nursery
Vicious children come out to play
Plagued with newfound armored titans
Crawling clawing flying biting gnashing slashing
Tooth and nail, premonitions of horrors yet to take flesh
Blossoming beauty arises amid clashing chaos, disrupting destruction
A union of war
Giants shelter
Scurrying furry fiends to be
Refuge for ancestors, home where none could be found
Paid back with destruction and hewn for survival
Hacked down by rancorous iron axes, severed into fuel
Posthumously burned, breeding cruel apparitions with glinted memories
Stirred in the funeral pyre of deep-seated old gods battling against hell itself
Brought to knees
G  r  o  w
Each line should be longer than the line before it, lines 7, and 9, shouldn't have their terminal words on the lines after.
619 · May 2014
My power on you
Is negligible
Yet you hold me tighter
Tightly to you.
We dance around
In endless rotation
I spin
I breathe you in
I walk all over you
Yet you don’t know
I exist.
I am one piece
Of the puzzle
Of your skin.

You are hot and cold
Oscillating my emotions
Tidally locking me
Ensnaring me
Into your brilliant bath.
She is jealous.
Stronger and brighter than
I am smaller and feeble.
Her light shines luminous,
My glow is conditionally a specter
Eons ago she was yours,
And the crawl of seconds
Pulled her away
And the crawl of seconds
Birthed me upon you

Given the chance
She would wrench the blood
From my veins as she
Tugs on your arteries
Yet the iron given to me
By you, residing in my
Bones and beating chest
Holds strong, touched by
Your lifesaving magnetism
Your ferric ferocity shields
Me.  In an invisible
Aromatic atmosphere of
Blanketing love.

You swirl me
Rotate and revolve me
Wake and quake me
Birth and waste me.
Mother and Father providing
The soul within me, the
Soul beneath my feet.
My planet, my world
You are my Earth.
Magnetic fields, Moon is getting further away from the Earth, yes its actually about the Earth.  Nothing is about the sun.

— The End —